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Denied Air Wake (Intergrated into AirBurst)

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Verified Member
In the battle, you feel the need to release a powerful gust that is named as airburst, but at the same time dodge the spammer's attack (i.e. fireblast), who's trying to kill you, while charging the ability? Currently, you can't do that because you ar required to stand in place in place to charge the ability successfully, but even if you are allowed to move there is still the sneaking problem that slows your movement down.

In this post, I suggest a new technique that should be introduced into this plugin, called AirWake, which belongs to the AirBurst ability.

What it will do is, it will have almost the same affect of the current airburst but weakened in some aspects. For it to be executed, the player starts it by sprinting in direction reaching at least 24 blocks for the ability to get charge. While the player is sprinting in general with this ability, particles behind their back will appear and dissipating quickly in a sweeping motion. Once the ability is charged, where particles will indicating the user when it is by creating an airshield form (but not actually shielding the user),he can the left click without stopping to launch the burst in a cone shape in front of him, which does the exact same thing as you expect from the AirBurst Ability. The Letting-go-of-sneak doesn't exist in this alternative move, so it would better of to stick onto the original move, those who like the spherical AoE attack ;) This Attack deals less damage, but same knockback of airburst. (Letting you know that, when I don't capitalized the two letters of an ability during a discussion, it means I'm referring to the ability's construct/attack/projectile/move and not the ability itself)


Reasons to Have it:
  • Allows Airbender to express to others their mobility usage, "avoid and evade" tactics, which gives a little more feel for them that their bending arts is heavily relied of this aspect.
  • It it has potential, but contains certain limitations to keep the balance between the stance based technique and the evasive based technique, not making one and other utterly useless alternatives.
  • Adds diversity; Gives player another first new form of style to choose from regarding this ability.
  • Like mention in the first dot, expands the mobility aspect which is exploited in this existing ability, therefor allowing to bender to dodge attacks while charging their own, but again (third dot) this variation is limiting, in means of not including AoE attack and deals less damage than of the original move to keep it unique.
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Verified Member
I know that. I made my own version of this move, that has (in my opinion) good reason for it to exist. If you take your time reading this post again, you'll get it. If not, here's a reminder:

  • The Trigger to charge it is sprinting, which doing so is a beneficial way in avoiding/evading any slow distance attacks, unlike the sneaking trigger where you are very vulnerable to every attacks in that stance.
  • It isn't a shortcut copycat of the stance method, because with evasive method it has only the capacity to shoot in one straight direction and inflict smaller amount of damage.
  • Requires a sufficient accuracy in this skill, for those who wanna charge it quickly (one fall step crossing the bondary of the drawn area, and the chargetime will be increased).
Thinking about this technique, I come to declare in making this ability with bigger knockback push with smaller damage or visa versa of the current airburst. What you all think?
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Staff member
Bug Tester
Verified Member
I know that. I made my own version of this move, that has (in my opinion) good reason for it to exist. If you take your time reading this post again, you'll get it. If not, here's a reminder:

  • The Trigger to charge it is sprinting, which doing so is a beneficial way in avoiding/evading any slow distance attacks, unlike the sneaking trigger where you are very vulnerable to every attacks in that stance.
  • It isn't a shortcut copycat of the stance method, because with evasive method it has only the capacity to shoot in one straight direction and inflict smaller amount of damage.
  • Requires a sufficient accuracy in this skill, for those who wanna charge it quickly (one fall step crossing the bondary of the drawn area, and the chargetime will be increased).
Thinking about this technique, I come to declare in making this ability with bigger knockback push with smaller damage or visa versa of the current airburst. What you all think?
Calm down, PK implements very little of what people suggest no matter how many people like it. It is necessary not to add new abilities we should fix the old, in which a lot of bugs.
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Verified Member
Calm down
With seriousness, I am calm. I wasn't out ranged when I typed that in. Maybe annoyed, but I'm fine, lol.

For Clarification, this isn't an ability if that's what you though. I'm quite patient to wait for the new abilities a arrival, but I have to disagree with "bug's aren't important" statement. I believe they are, and devs should pay closer attention to them (not saying they aren't or anything lik that) and should fix them first than before coding new abilities (of course not all of them, because that's pretty much impossible, but I'm saying the most important one's that ruin the gameplay of all time).
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Staff member
Bug Tester
Verified Member
With seriousness, I am calm. I wasn't out ranged when I typed that in. Maybe annoyed, but I'm fine, lol.

For Clarification, this isn't an ability if that's what you though. I'm quite patient to wait for the new abilities a arrival, but I have to disagree with "bug's aren't important". I believe they are, and devs should pay closer attention to them (not saying they aren't or anything lik that) and should fix them first than before coding new abilities (of course not all of them, because that's pretty much impossible, but I'm saying the most important one's that ruin the gameplay of all time).
Sorry. I think so about bugs. They should fix. I typed not what i wanted. I will edit my post.


Verified Member
Loony said:
That move would be a combo, not a feature or a separate move
AirBurst (LC) > AirBurst (LC) > AirBurst (Tap Shift) > AirBurst (LC)
That could be a possibility for a combo trigger.


Verified Member
Firstly, the sprinting method for charging is not a good/ viable method for many reasons
-People aren't precise in movement, having to run a set path and keep within the blocks is hard alone.
-Doing the above while under attack when moves knock you back is near impossible.
-The difficulty of this charge-up is not worthwhile for the actual move.
-Having to perform a combo before charging up would make it even worse.

Secondly, the move isn't very good in the first place, its a toned down mishmash of already existing moves, that therefore makes it pretty useless.
-Its basically an airblast with a stronger knockback with slight damage
-If you want knockback, why not just use the directional version of AirBurst, it is a lot less difficult to charge.

Thirdly and fourthly, this move will not be aesthetically pleasing as making a player model out of particles wont exactly work out very well, therefore it will literally look like a larger AirBlast. This was mentioned in a previously denied post, which was denied for the same reasons.


Verified Member
Airburst the current technique is kinda ironic, because you have to stand like a "rock" in order to charge, which the principle should be quite opposite. You see Aang charging his 'Airburst' by running, because that's how airbending works if he wants to use his technique effectively of that bending art.

Think of these 2 techniques as of normal and charged fireblast: one having a different power level but having their own limitation in comparison. To make it more clear, charged fireblast is powerful but needs to be charged where it is some cons unlike normal blast that doesn't. Which is why both of there are nor less useful. Same case goes for both of these suggested techniques in one ability, one allowing more mobility accessibility to the user, but deals less damage and no "sphere ball" function. I hope you now understand the importance and reason why this should be coded into the plugin.

Now that I think about it more, I think that running in a precise dimension of a circle is too of a strict requirement for the bender, so I'll let that one pass (thus the post will be edit). I agree that the combo makes this ability more difficult, but I just added it because Loony recommended it, so I'll do best what devs think is for the greater good of the plugin.

For your forth worry, instead of particles, devs can create this technique to summon invisible armor stan with a equipped head and armor set of a color of airbending's particles (if server owners change it, a check will be made and the color will be set up to match the bending art's particles by the plugin).
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