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Denied Air passive problems.

Do you think this should be a function in the main plugin or side plugins?

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Verified Member
We all know air fights are megestic and fun, but i have some arguements towards them. when two airbenders are fighting its usally airswipe, airswipe airswipe airswipe, tornado , airburst, but it takes too long and makes it hard to kill other airbenders if they airjet (airblast jump) flee. My point is, i think when an airbender suctions another airbender or blasts them they should be able to take minimal fall damage towards them so Airblast and Airsuction feel more like attacks. Despite how twister doesn't hurt other airbenders either.


Verified Member
We all know air fights are megestic and fun, but i have some arguements towards them. when two airbenders are fighting its usally airswipe, airswipe airswipe airswipe, tornado , airburst, but it takes too long and makes it hard to kill other airbenders if they airjet (airblast jump) flee. My point is, i think when an airbender suctions another airbender or blasts them they should be able to take minimal fall damage towards them so Airblast and Airsuction feel more like attacks. Despite how twister doesn't hurt other airbenders either.
I don't think passive should be altered to convenience only one situation, it's just not that justifiable. Breaking a passive is something that affects the balance of things and I needs a very valid reason to be considered. As much I know what it's like to fight in long, arduous airbending fights, I don't think it would be applied correctly. If airbenders were the only ones that could negate an airbenders fall damage passive then it doesn't seem that logical. That being said, the only way to make it balance is if every element could cancal their element's fall damage passive (earth and water included), but that would just through off balance.

An understandable suggestion, but just not that justifiable, in my opinion; perhaps others will feel differently, but this seems a little dangerous.


Staff member
Denied, removing the Airbending passive when they're hit by other airbenders seems a bit too unpractical. Sure, they could take physical damage from falling, but in the MC environment we have, it simply isn't realistic.
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