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[Air] Dash

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New Member
So i had this idea for a air move that would bring mobility to the element.ok so heres how it goes:
When on selected slot, a small white ball will appare in front of you. Left clicking will bring it to the left. right clicking will bring to it the right. then, go to any other slot and qucily double tap shift and you will be quickly shot ethier right or left about 3-4 blocks.(sorry the spellings, its in the morning and i havent had breakfast yet.)


Verified Member
Airsuction - has the same concept, which you do by shifting on a thing/air to select the suction point, and left click on the ground to pull yourself to the shifted point. Even though it is alot harder and less contrable, this still makes a rip off of AirSuction, thus not required in the plugin.
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