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Denied Air Breath

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Verified Member
I actually think I will be making a suggestion called Air Smack Down that zaheer used against Korra in the Season Finale of Book 3 to knock her out
- it will do damage! -


Verified Member
I think this move should cool Lava and extinguish Fire, as that is how Roku used it in the show. He instantly cooled some burning hot lava with it.

Although, for some reason, I can't really explain why. I've always seen this move as a combination of Frost Breath and Air Breath, as the lava cools just so fast, I always found it incredible. I could be wrong, though.


Verified Member
I think this move should cool Lava and extinguish Fire, as that is how Roku used it in the show. He instantly cooled some burning hot lava with it.

Although, for some reason, I can't really explain why. I've always seen this move as a combination of Frost Breath and Air Breath, as the lava cools just so fast, I always found it incredible. I could be wrong, though.
I see where you're getting that, and mot air moves (airblast) cool lava/fire but in small portions. :)
I see so many opportunity's for this move xD


Verified Member
Then what's the Point of having FireBreath? And FrostBlast? Frostbreath can be torrent or surge freezing people.
FireBreath can be Fire burning people. -_____-

- I could just create for my server doe. :/
Thats why they are custom moves. Not official ones


Verified Member
So I was thinking - since this is a breath related move, how about you can use the ability until the amount of bubbles you have when swimming disappear?

As in: When you start to use the move little breath bubbles will appear over your hearts (or wherever they appear) and indicate how much longer you have until the move auto deactivates.

Like it?


Verified Member
So I was thinking - since this is a breath related move, how about you can use the ability until the amount of bubbles you have when swimming disappear?

As in: When you start to use the move little breath bubbles will appear over your hearts (or wherever they appear) and indicate how much longer you have until the move auto deactivates.

Like it?
If you do make it, please make it available for others so that my server can use it! :)


Verified Member
I think that this move, like fire and frostbreath, should be addons, not in the core.
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