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Fixed Add-on ability config not generating

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Verified Member
Let me put this to rest, We are redoing various parts of PK such as the ConfigManager. Sadly this will stop addons from being able to add options to the plugins config.yml. However, it's an easy fix for addon makers! You simply need to change ProjectKorra.getConfig() to ConfigManager.defaultConfig.getConfig(); and ProjectKorra.saveConfig() to ConfigManager.defaultConfig.saveConfig();

Here is an example of my fixed Combustion Addon!

Sorry about this guys o_O we are really trying to fix up the systems PK runs on and sometimes things like this happen...

@jedk1 @Simplicitee @Finn_Bueno_ @dookoo782 @grasshopperMatt @Soarinsorin @AlexTheCoder @moo3oo3oo3 @SenpaiBlaze
Is this the only thing that changed? or do i need to change dis too?

private double RANGE = ProjectKorra.plugin.getConfig().getDouble("ExtraAbilities.Soringaming.WaterWhip.Range");
    private double DAMAGE = ProjectKorra.plugin.getConfig().getDouble("ExtraAbilities.Soringaming.WaterWhip.Damage");


Staff member
Lead Developer
Plugin Developer
Is this the only thing that changed? or do i need to change dis too?

private double RANGE = ProjectKorra.plugin.getConfig().getDouble("ExtraAbilities.Soringaming.WaterWhip.Range");
    private double DAMAGE = ProjectKorra.plugin.getConfig().getDouble("ExtraAbilities.Soringaming.WaterWhip.Damage");
Well yeah, ProjectKorra.plugin no longer exists, ts been replaced with ConfigManager.defaultConfig. ;)


Verified Member
Let me put this to rest, We are redoing various parts of PK such as the ConfigManager. Sadly this will stop addons from being able to add options to the plugins config.yml. However, it's an easy fix for addon makers! You simply need to change ProjectKorra.getConfig() to ConfigManager.defaultConfig.getConfig(); and ProjectKorra.saveConfig() to ConfigManager.defaultConfig.saveConfig();

Here is an example of my fixed Combustion Addon!

Sorry about this guys o_O we are really trying to fix up the systems PK runs on and sometimes things like this happen...

@jedk1 @Simplicitee @Finn_Bueno_ @dookoo782 @grasshopperMatt @Soarinsorin @AlexTheCoder @moo3oo3oo3 @SenpaiBlaze
What would i change this too?
private long COOLDOWN = ProjectKorra.plugin.getConfig().getLong("ExtraAbilities.Soringaming.WaterWhip.Cooldown");
EDIT: Just realized that ConfigManager is what is needed....
So it'd be something like dis right?
    private long COOLDOWN = ConfigManager.defaultConfig.getConfig().getLong("ExtraAbilities.Soringaming.WaterWhip.Cooldown");


Staff member
Lead Developer
Plugin Developer
What would i change this too?
private long COOLDOWN = ProjectKorra.plugin.getConfig().getLong("ExtraAbilities.Soringaming.WaterWhip.Cooldown");
EDIT: Just realized that ConfigManager is what is needed....
So it'd be something like dis right?
    private long COOLDOWN = ConfigManager.defaultConfig.getConfig().getLong("ExtraAbilities.Soringaming.WaterWhip.Cooldown");


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Fixed in Beta 13, if an addon still doesn't load the config after this update, it's a problem in the addon and should be taken up on the thread for that addon.
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