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Denied Ability Sound Option

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Verified Member
Hello guys,

I hope I am not suggesting anything that's already a feature.

I would love to see a per ability sound option in the config. This would allow you to change the sound fot each and every ability. For example:
Sound: wind

I know you can enable and disable sounds for elements, but that's not what I mean.

Please let me know what you think about it! I would love to hear your feedback!


Verified Member
Yeah sorry forgot to mention that. But I want it per ability not per element. So like

Sound: (Sound)
Sound: (Sound)

And for the elements

Sound: (sound)
Sound: (sound)

The sound you specify at the element is the default sound for the element. If you don't specify a custom sound for an ability it will play that sound.

I hope this explains it well enough!


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In my opinion there aren't really much other options for the sounds. A resigned developer (apologies if it wasn't him) spent quite a lot of time finding 'right' sounds and they still aren't perfect.

It'd be like adding an option for other fire particles. While it is possible, it wouldn't really make sense.


Verified Member
With this feature you can use any sound, so if your server has a resourcepack with custom sounds you can use them for bending.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
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With this feature you can use any sound, so if your server has a resourcepack with custom sounds you can use them for bending.
My fire bending particle example still applies here. Simply change the sounds it already uses ;)


Verified Member
What I want on my server is custom sounds for different moves. For example I would not want all air moves to play the same sound, one moves plays sound1, another moves plays sound2.


Verified Member
Well, in my opinion having a standard uniform sound per element to avoid confusion is a good thing, and I doubt we will be implementing custom sounds per bending move for many reasons. if you wish to have custom sounds per move, then I suggest you have someone custom code you something to do that job for your server.


Verified Member
Yeah I already started a bit on coding that, but I thought that if others would like this feature too it could be added to one of the next builds.

I doubt that this is going to happen so I will do it myself.

Anyway thanks for the feedback!
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