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1.4.0 BETA 2


Staff member
This is a relatively important Dev Build -- contains a lot of fixes. Sorry for the lack of updates this past week, I've been busy. Most of what was done in this dev build was done by our two developers AlexTheCoder and jacklin213. I only did the Airbending change in this one. Expect more than one dev build this weekend, as I expect to continue developing some stuff for the plugin today.

  • General Changes
    • Fixed an IndexOutOfBoundException for TagAPI
  • Airbending Changes
    • AirShield will block WaterManipulation and EarthBlast
  • Firebending Changes
    • Reworked how HeatControl's cook functionality works.
      • The main thing to take away from this Salmon will now give you Cooked Salmon instead of the regular Cooked fish.
  • Chiblocking Changes
    • Fix NullPointerException on RapidPunch
    • Fix other NullPointerExceptions related to Chiblocking.


Verified Member
Will this fix the bugs with the player.animation event that my host was telling me about?


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Kiam please just make an official bug report instead of just posting on here! It makes it a lot easier to fix if we have more information.


Verified Member
I didnt think it was a bug, I was just asking a clarifying question about the NPE error fix that he said was in this update.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Kiam this isn't the latest build anymore. Also, any reference to a bug is usually a description of what was fixed, not ones we've found.