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  1. Ron

    This summer vacation is full of hospital :D.

    This summer vacation is full of hospital :D.
  2. Ron

    Suggestion Programming Forum Area

    It is not aimed just to teach fresh new programmers, it is aimed to share knowledge with everyone. One developer may be good at string formatting and the other at physics and math, teaching simple ways like calculating a vector between one location to the other or formatting commands pages are...
  3. Ron

    Suggestion Programming Forum Area

    Jed's tutorial wasn't meant just for advanced coders that can learn it in 5 minutes, It is meant for fresh coders too. He said himself he will have to re-do the video.
  4. Ron

    Suggestion Programming Forum Area

    And the progress method, the way addon's class should extend, added 3 new really important methods. compiled all core abilities into StockAbilities, made them more accesible added setters and getters for other abilities.
  5. Ron

    Suggestion Programming Forum Area

    Jed's tutorial is outdated due to Beta 13.
  6. Ron

    Suggestion Programming Forum Area

    I would suggest not to, (I prefer keeping the current suggetion section), since as a developer who has brain-creativity of a brick I would jump straight into the suggestions section (800+ dicussions already), even staff on PK recommends that, since suggesting is one thing, but visualizing it is...
  7. Ron

    Just bored and depressed...

    Just bored and depressed...
  8. Ron

    Burrow Combo

    I could add that as a feature in an update, so people could decide in the config wether to keep it like this or use your suggestion.
  9. Ron

    ABANDONED Burrow Combo - Burrow Combo

    Element: Earth Usage: Start the combo sequence by right clicking (On a block) with the ability "Collapse" selected on your hotbar, and then hold shift, the ability will dig a 2 high hole (Minecraft player size) and put you inside it. Release shift to pop out of the hole early or just wait till...
  10. Ron

    Burrow Combo

    Ron submitted a new resource: Burrow Combo - Avoid getting hit by going in the ground! Read more about this resource...
  11. Ron

    EarthCombo: Burrow

    I coded it and posted it, I am waiting for my resource approval. I put a link to this thread, along with credit for the idea. Thank you for contributing and let's hope this simple ability will make it into the core, because it seems really useful :).
  12. Ron

    Fixed Earthbending error Beta 14, 15, 16

    Good news, 1.8.8 solves the errors thank you very much @Soarinsorin
  13. Ron

    Fixed Earthbending error Beta 14, 15, 16

    I'll try to use Spigot 1.8.8 first, since it is worth a shot, if the issue keeps occuring I'll pastebin the error.
  14. Ron

    Fixed Earthbending error Beta 14, 15, 16

    I have been getting this error while using Collapse, RaiseEarth and such... I haven't tested with other abilities! EDIT: The error appears for every targeted block ability, WaterManipulation, EarthBlast and such... My Spigot version is 1.8.3 All abilities seems to work fine, but the error...
  15. Ron

    1.7.0 BETA 15

    GOD DAMNIT! Keep breaking more things and we'll end up at dev build 50 xD.
  16. Ron

    EarthCombo: Burrow

    Is it fine if I code it as an addon? I'll give you credit for the idea and a link to this thread. and I'll change the combo sequence a bit since EarthTunnel isn't used much in PvP, more in survival.
  17. Ron

    1.7.0 BETA 15

    Thanks for fixing the paralyze ^^.
  18. Ron

    Logging who does what.

    I am not quite sure if it is possible with the current ProjectKorra, from my knowledge, you need an event of an ability and It's results. What I mean is, in Minecraft there are things called events, e.g. When a player toggles sneak, up or down, doesn't matter (We use that a lot for source...
  19. Ron


    Downsizing it is indeed an option ^^