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  1. TehPandaKing

    Wings. In minecraft.

    Not a suggestion, as it is already being made for vanilla minecraft. https://gfycat.com/SerpentineHighlevelAmurminnow https://gfycat.com/LeadingIndolentGangesdolphin But still, how cool would it be if airbenders could use these as a replacement to gliders? has science gone too far
  2. TehPandaKing

    Charging moves (new concept)

    I'm going to get right to the point and say that move-charging needs to be expanded on, because it is really lame as of right now. For example, the default earthsmash looks like this: As shown in the picture above, earthsmash uses a decent amount of earth , and creates a small sized boulder...
  3. TehPandaKing

    Fixed Chiblocking + bending bug

    Chiblocking passive has a percent - (not sure) chance to paralyze bending on a normal punch. For example, if you use firekick (the combo) it has a chance to paralyze you on a hit. you may say ' oh firekick is a physical attack so it has a chance to paralyze' but then wouldn't you have to be in...
  4. TehPandaKing

    Denied Nerf Chiblockers!!!

    Chiblockers are extremely op!! They can go between warriorstance and acrobatstance with no penalty or cooldown! To be honest, warriorstance should be removed! One rapidpunch in warriorstance does 6 full HEARTS!! Also, when in the show is a chiblocker seen to be faster and jump higher than an...
  5. TehPandaKing

    Complete The functions of Airblast.

    In the old plugin, airblast had the alternate function of being able to flip levers, push buttons, and pressureplates. Although, this has been removed in projectkorra. Why? I want the old function of airblast added back, so it can be possible to make things like this: (Another interesting...
  6. TehPandaKing

    Fixed Extraction Bug

    Which plugin you are using : Project Korra Which version : Beta 5 Where the bug exists : In extraction. A detailed description : Sometimes the Iron/Gold/Quartz is extracted, but the ore is nowhere on the ground... It dissapears sometimes.. Also, if you raiseearth a previously extracted stone...
  7. TehPandaKing

    Lots of moves. Passives too.

    EARTH Moves: Earth wave: High level earthbenders can create a wave of earth to ride on and use it as a form of transportation, as Aang and Toph have both done,as well as Roku and Sud while training. The downsides of the wave are that it takes a lot of energy to produce, as well as intense...