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Search results

  1. J

    Waterbending Rework

    Although I agree with some of your grievances, you don't seem to be thinking about how this will affect the waterbenders themselves.
  2. J

    Water Arms Replaces Everything

    »WaterArms completely defeats the purpose of positioning. »It makes noobs equivalent to masters. »It have a crazy large range and is spamable, thus it is WORSE than torrent spam and manip spam combined. Plz Nerf the shit out of WaterArms! :(
  3. J

    [Part of JedCore] PlantDrain [Deleted]

    The only bad thing about this is that there will be a ton of plants everywhere on the ground... Or If there are patches of flowers that don't regenerate, then it'll be kinda useless... Overall great idea!
  4. J

    Ice Wall

    Very cool! In addition, I think it should have an option to shelter yourself in ice. (Like Frostbreath but with an air pocket) Maybe by shifting it encases you in ice? (Similar to Earthgrab as defense)
  5. J

    Fire Jet Ski

    Oh! And I forgot! I think on /b h fire it said firebending only works on the ground. ^ not sure if its from /b h fire but i read it somewhere.......thats why you cant firebend in water
  6. J

    Fire Jet Ski

    Anything slow is bad for pvp.... Better off making them fall straight down and not take fall damage.
  7. J

    Complete Lightning Redirection

    The possibilities of getting struck by lightning.......
  8. J

    Fire Jet Ski

    Idea: Yeah! OK! Lets let firebenders soar over the ground! Oh wait! They take fall damage.... Solution: Firebenders will be able to hover 2 blocks in the air to prevent fall damage! Conclusion: Hovering's so much more fun then blasting yourself around on the ground!