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  1. WaterbendingMaster

    Core / Probending Update!

    I was wondering does anyone know what the hydrosink passive does if so could you explain it to me please
  2. WaterbendingMaster

    Frost Breath

    No problem and I didn't know if you spoke English or not so my apologies too.
  3. WaterbendingMaster

    Frost Breath

    *confusion misconfusion means there wasn't any confusion to begin with *meaningless non-meaningless means its meaningful P.S. Sorry for correcting you that just would have bothered me.
  4. WaterbendingMaster

    Denied Steambending - New Watersubelement

    If your gonna try and suggest a new subelement or anything new in general you go into more detail like more move that could be possible like: Condense:Hold shift for a configurable amount of time and it'll condense the water in the air to create a water block. Also I don't think you should be...
  5. WaterbendingMaster

    /b b

    Say you were just playing without any move bound and someone comes along and tries attacking you you do a simple /b b and bam now you've got instant move to attack with and you have less of a chance to be killed (depending on how well you are at bending that is)