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  1. Brilashy


    With the New Year always come new stuff to the server ;) First of all, our Faction World has been reset and we now have a custom map with incredible biomes called Meiva! More information about the map and pictures, you can check: HERE Also we revamp our special event for factions called...
  2. Brilashy


    You have totally right, but if i'm able to use google translate then, why not them too? But, i agree with your point of view to be honest. Thanks for your review! About the more staff, yes we are trying to hire players for night times since some staff is sleeping while Europe players are up xD...
  3. Brilashy


    Oh i see now the problem. It seems that surgeshield has a CD with bottles, but if just sourcing from water blocks it doesn't have a cooldown at all. This is pretty weird but we will look into this to fix the problem. Thanks again for your report!
  4. Brilashy


    Hello hello. Are you talking about that waterbenders are able or not able to use surge with waterbottles? Thanks for reporting this. Also, I invite you to register and make threads on our forums if you are experimenting more problems (www.mysticempire.net). Have a good day!
  5. Brilashy


    Nunca te discriminaremos. Te estare esperando con ansias y tambien te ayudare un poco con tu ingles si lo deseas xD Solo buscame en el server y te ayudare con mucho gusto a darte un recorrido en el server y en todo lo que necesites :) Cuidate!
  6. Brilashy


    Yes you have right, we dont have that awful rule of "english only" because that it's kinda racist. I know the feeling of dont know another language and you are saying "please someone help me because i dont know english" or "someone speak (language)?" and they ban you or warn you only because you...