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  1. S

    does anyone know?

    Old af post, but thanks! This might be a big solution to my players still getting abilities even though I had denied access.
  2. S

    PK Ability Permissions

    I think I found something useful "default: true make default -> default: OP)" This is something I would edit within the pk's plugin config file, which would stop players from having bending abilities by default.
  3. S

    PK Ability Permissions

    Permission files dont generally have that many spaces, but its worth a try. Thanks
  4. S

    PK Ability Permissions

    Lol please clarify? Also thanks for the responses, I do appreciate it.
  5. S

    PK Ability Permissions

    I did the perms based off this wiki site: http://projectkorra.wikia.com/wiki/Commands_%26_Permissions So youre suggesting I try - -Bending.Ability.FireJet instead of - -bending.ability.FireJet I can try that out I wont know if it worked till after 5:30 US Central, but I will let you...
  6. S

    PK Ability Permissions

    Yes I added -bending.ability.FireJet unless this is case sensitive and should be all lowercase, then it should work.
  7. S

    PK Ability Permissions

    The issue of them having the permission happens before the heroes selection is even made. For example if I move a player to the Firebender Perm Group, then ask them to try and bind Firejet, they can bind Firejet, and also use Firejet. Without having permission to do so.
  8. S

    PK Ability Permissions

    Absolutely! Also if this gets worked out others will be able to create a leveling system of there own, I see its a popular request. Group Manager Perms http://hastebin.com/tuxatakime.sm Heroes Permission Skills http://hastebin.com/uqehamaror.php Heroes Firebender Class...
  9. S

    PK Ability Permissions

    I want them to be able to firebend, just not a specific ability within firebending.
  10. S

    PK Ability Permissions

    Yes they can use them. In this example its firebending, if I deny perms for firejet, they can bind and use firejet
  11. S

    PK Ability Permissions

    So I created a Leveling System with Heroes RPG, and the concept would work quite well, but I cannot seem to prevent players binding skills that I denied them. Example of permission below using Group Manager: http://hastebin.com/jeguvukoha.avrasm My goal was to deny the skills, then as they...
  12. S

    Denied Cast abilities by Command

    I would love to see if it is possible for some abilities to work/be cast by a command, this would help greatly with MythicMobs. MythicMobs can cast given commands at entities/players in radius etc. and this would make certain skills from PK possible for mob usage. I know that most abilities...
  13. S

    [Deleted] JedCore

    can you determine what past version of yours works with the pk 1.6/spigot 1.8.3?
  14. S

    [Deleted] JedCore

    so you need the latest project korra to run jedcore? I tried various versions of spigot, 1.8.3, 1.8.6, 1.8.7, also 1.8.8 I guess the issue is deeper than I imagined.
  15. S

    [Deleted] JedCore

    below is my hastebin paste showing errors when loading. http://hastebin.com/buliculeve.avrasm
  16. S

    [Deleted] JedCore

    it is spigot, I mean can you make a version for spigot 1.8.3
  17. S

    [Deleted] JedCore

    Would you consider compiling a version for CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-870264a-0a645a2 (MC: 1.8.3) (Implementing API version 1.8.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) I cannot update my server nor can I get jedcore to run with my version. I and everyone a part of our server would be so thankful!
  18. S

    [Deleted] BendingBoard

    http://hastebin.com/doxikosabu.avrasm Having trouble with 1.8.3 Spigot I can provide further version info if needed