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  1. M

    Denied Metal Wire

    I like this idea but it doesn't need such a big cooldown I think the cooldown should be 6-7 secs
  2. M


    Guys it's still a good idea, I don't really care about the names I just want more moves for metalbending...
  3. M


    No offense, but since when is meteorite a liquid? ...
  4. M


    Yea I think that the inventory option would be a cool move for metalbending
  5. M

    Denied MetalSmash

    well metalbending rly does need new moves, not just add-ons and did you see the last ep in korra? The Befang sisters bent kuviras whole mega spirit energy gun thingy xD no to mention the whole inside of the arm it was attached to...
  6. M

    Denied MetalSmash

    Yes, ofcourse.
  7. M

    Denied MetalSmash

    Isn't that what they do? they code, and it's just a suggestion and if they do try this it will take time ofcourse. I'm not saying they should concentrate only on this. but once in a while just remember this and code a little bit to finish it. and if you really wanna know who carries iron blocks...
  8. M

    Denied MetalSmash

    Well what if an enemy is attacking from idk 10 blocks? you won't have time to place them... and I think that it's possible with coding even though I don't know how to code xD I hope that it's possible doe... you're looking for a reason why NOT to add this ability and you're only looking at those...
  9. M

    Denied MetalSmash

    Please, read the whole thing. Don't just look at the picture... I said that you would have to have 4 iron blocks in your inventory.
  10. M

    Denied MetalSmash

    Yes, but you won't really find just random iron blocks in the ground and who has time to place them? This would be more efficient.
  11. M

    Denied MetalSmash

    Element: Earth Subelement: Metal Move name: MetalSmash Use: This would be used the same way as earthsmash but stronger. To use you need 4 iron blocks in your inventory and shift to make a 2x2x2 block of iron which you can throw. Config stats: Damage: 7 (depends on if it's a direct hit or...
  12. M


    Thanks... the server I play on doesn't have it :/ sorry...
  13. M


    I don't want a new liquid sub. and if we replace the metallic liquid with iron ingots I think it could work.
  14. M


    Element: Earth Subelment: Metal Move name: LiquidMetal or MetalReflection Use: This would be used in 2 ways. In case of a metal vs. metal we can hit shift to catch 1 iron ingot the enemy threw, once we catch one we catch all the others that are thrown after the 1st one we caught. The iron ingots...
  15. M

    Metal Bending Improvements/Ideas

    I like your ideas but I don't think they should have such a big cooldown, it's unnecessary really and besides people in the series seem to metalbend pretty fast... I suggest we only put a cooldown of 3 secs on the metalthrow addon or as you called it MetalSlice... and the other ones don't really...
  16. M

    Denied Metalthrow spammable?

    Thank you so much :D
  17. M

    Denied Metalthrow spammable?

    I suggest no cooldown and the dmg 1-2 hearts
  18. M

    Denied Metalthrow spammable?

    Hello there, I am new to this community but I've been bending for 1 year. I love metalbending, I think it's genius how you've made new moves. I have a suggestion for metalthrow. It has a cooldown after you use it, but it does a lot of damage. I think that it should be spammable, but it should do...