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Search results

  1. M

    Denied Water Motors

    This is rather straightforward. In Avatar, the swamp benders used waterbending to speed up their boat/canoes. Well in minecraft, even for waterbenders it can be a pain to cross large large bodies of water. When in a boat all they have to do is equip this ability and they will speed up. I am...
  2. M

    Ability permissions

    Im not a god at permissions or anything but I do have some experience. I am trying to give players certain abilities. Some of the abilities such as lightning are true on default. How do i make it so they are not disabled but require perms.
  3. M

    Denied Metal Idea and Water Idea

    Water Ability Stat: Offensive Name: Boiling Geyser Usage: Left-Click Description: This idea was inspired by eruption. As you all know water isn't the most offensive move, however each element has a speck of offense to it. I believe this addition will make water more popular and give it a cool...
  4. M


    I have a small server where we bend and have fun. Everyone on the server is able to bend except for one person. We tried different elements, etc. We even confirmed he had java 7. Help.
  5. M


    As the plugin progresses there seems to be an increased amount of combos. Unfortunately I Do not know how to utilize this feature. The only thing I am aware of is downloading ComboAPI. Could someone provide me with a guide so I can use combos on my server? Tanks.
  6. M

    "Earth Shoes"

    Element: Earth Move: Earth Shoes Use: This would stop or slow knockback from attacks. How it is cannon: It was difficult for aang to push toph back in earth armor, so if aang was knockback the armor could be the shoes.THBENDER MOVE BTW.
  7. M

    Denied AvatarState Ability

    Just like the poison in season 3 forced Korra into the avatarstate, when an avatar gets low it should automatically activate avatarstate. To avoid any unwanted use this can be toggled.
  8. M

    Bloodbending Tweak

    We all see bloodbending as the "OP cheap ability" and I don't disagree, if used correctly it can be a pain in the ass to deal with. Lets analyze this: Although Bloodbending lets you control mobs and people, the ability itself does not do any damage. It is the damage that CAN be caused that...
  9. M

    Fixed Bloodbending in avatarstate

    When I bloodbend in the avatar state I can not move people upwards.
  10. M

    Suggestion Water Ability: "Spirit" Bending Technique

    This is still a work in progress suggestion. As you know in LoK Korra and Unalaq had the ability to "Spirit bend" evil spirits by using a stream of water. This would allow them to tame the spirits and set them off in peace. I thought about this a bit further and maybe waterbenders could be able...
  11. M

    Denied Water Ability: Water Tendrils

    Hello! This ability is called Water Tendrils. I saw the inspiration from a previous project that was never picked up again. Inspiration and Basis: I got this idea from watching Ming-Hua, a member from the Red Lotus. Many of the members of the Red Lotus interested me, however Ming stood out due...
  12. M

    Avatar State

    Is ir possible to get into the avatar state with this plugin? If so how?
  13. M


    In the resources tab I saw a ton of new abilities that people have added. Does anyone know how to add these to the server?
  14. M

    Having Issues downloading this plugin!!!

    I have downloaded the Korra.jar plugin. When I placed it in my plugins folder and ran the server the config did not show and the plugin did not function. I am currently running on mac. This was like server console: [14:45:03 INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.7.9 [14:45:03 INFO]...