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  1. JewFroJustin


    This is a really cool idea, with a twist on the original posts. I like it!
  2. JewFroJustin

    Denied Fire Blow

    I think that this is kinda similar to Fire Burst, however there aren't that many fire bending moves that are completely different from each other. In other words it's hard to come up with fire bending moves that haven't been used yet. I'm not sure whether I'm pro or con for this move, but good...
  3. JewFroJustin

    Complete Blue Fire Addition

    I really like the idea, but how would you become a prodigy?
  4. JewFroJustin

    Looking Into More games

    I would know just about as much as you, but if you want to double check what you wrote here's a link to the wiki page about Power Disc: http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Power_disc
  5. JewFroJustin

    Denied Redirecting Torrent

    I've been wanting this to happen for quite a while now. They used it all the time in the show, and water is all about using enemy's attacks against them. This really needs to be added!
  6. JewFroJustin

    Looking Into More games

    I really like the power disc idea! I loved the game in the show and I would be so happy to see it in the PK plugin! Great Idea :D
  7. JewFroJustin

    Denied Meteorite

    I know, and I'm not trying to argue. It's just easier to make people happier when they make suggestions for a move. But if you have suggestions for any other problems you noticed please don't hesitate to comment about them.
  8. JewFroJustin

    Denied New blood move: Levitation

    Maybe if we all stop posting on this thread, it will go away...
  9. JewFroJustin

    Thinking of more metal bending moves...

    Thinking of more metal bending moves...
  10. JewFroJustin

    Looking Into Bending Variations

    Not initially, no. I think everything sounds great! If anything comes to mind I will post my suggestion.
  11. JewFroJustin

    Denied Meteorite

    So what kind of a suggestion would you have for solving this issue?
  12. JewFroJustin

    Looking Into Bending Variations

    I like this idea. It's almost like sub-classes for each bending style. I hope they really consider this :)
  13. JewFroJustin

    Denied New blood move: Levitation

    You're right, it won't be because @owlcool is telling him to, it'll be because this thread is useless. It has gone way past just an idea for a move. All the coders are looking for is interesting, canon, and realistic moves.
  14. JewFroJustin

    Denied New blood move: Levitation

    I don't think this move is going to happen, sorry. It's best to just stop wasting time on this and start using you time to come up with newer, better ideas.
  15. JewFroJustin

    Denied Meteorite

    Obsidian is only when flowing water hits still lava. Lava isn't renewable in minecraft without specific mods/plugins making obsidian non-renewable.
  16. JewFroJustin

    Denied Meteorite

    I agree. I see obsidian blocks underground rarely, and even more so on the surface. I'm still open to more suggestions and questions :)
  17. JewFroJustin

    Denied Meteorite

    Edited, and thanks for the suggestion :)
  18. JewFroJustin

    Denied Meteorite

    Just recently I was thinking about a way that we could include the meteorites that Su and Kuvira have used on multiple occasions in the Project Korra plugin. This idea may take a while to read, but I would really appreciate it if you read through it and leave your suggestions/comments below...
  19. JewFroJustin

    Denied Iron Armor Upgrade

    So in the crafting table it would be like a leather chest plate surrounded by iron blocks? I think that would work well considering that you wouldn't have as much protection making it less op
  20. JewFroJustin

    Denied Iron Armor Upgrade

    I think that's fair considering that it is somewhat hard to aim metal clips perfectly unless you are close to the target. I would agree with 30 ingots in a chest plate