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  1. JewFroJustin

    Surge Shield (add-on)

    I agree with this. When I made this suggestion I wasn't thinking they were going to get right on it or anything, and I don't expect them to really start working on it for a while now (if they choose to add this). They need to spend more time improving Sub-Elements and working on bug fixes, but...
  2. JewFroJustin

    Suggestion Fire Buff - Wall of Fire

    He's suggesting the fire blast thing that Iroh did, not Jeong Jeong's wall of fire.
  3. JewFroJustin

    Suggestion ElectroRod

    I'm a bit confused. Would this be used as defense for lightning, or to strengthen lightning?
  4. JewFroJustin

    Metal Bending Improvements/Ideas

    Fire did get Combustion, and a reworked Lightning. If I'm being honest though, that's nothing compared to the other elements. Seriously though, Metal bending has so much that it can offer, and there are so many possibilities, compared to some other sub-elements. I'm going to spend the night...
  5. JewFroJustin

    Water Bending Add-On

    I am happy to hear that you like the idea, but I wanted to make sure that you understand that this add-on that I am suggesting is only for using a Water Manipulation through Torrent. Not any Surge Shields. The link that @HydroMan provided takes you too a thread that does however have exactly the...
  6. JewFroJustin

    Focus: Tremorsense Addon

    I'm not too crazy about an arrow of glowstone in the ground. Seems too, "Hey! Look! This way to the badguy!" as appose to, "There is something moving towards you from the east..." I'm going along with what I said, and I agree with @coastyo I do really like the jungle idea though! That would be...
  7. JewFroJustin

    Focus: Tremorsense Addon

    Thank you so much for this xD
  8. JewFroJustin

    Focus: Tremorsense Addon

    I have a couple of issues with this, the first being that you said the compass would go into your 9th slot. I understand that most people would probably have Tremorsense in their 9th slot, but it would make more sense just to say that it would appear in the slot to which they have Tremorsense...
  9. JewFroJustin

    Water Bending Add-On

    Two things. First you said it's not being looked into, although the thread is labeled "Looking Into". Secondly I said in my post that the ideas mentioned in the thread that you linked inspired me and helped me come up with this move. If you actually read my whole description... Anyways, I'm not...
  10. JewFroJustin

    Denied Volt Lunge

    That could work, except that for people who don't know about this add-on, if it's added, will think that the charge time for Lightning has simply been shortened. Then they just release shift and instead of shooting lighting they get shot forward and the effects that you mentioned would apply to...
  11. JewFroJustin

    Denied Volt Lunge

    Also, how would this be able to work properly as an add-on to lightning. In your description for the move it says that you would shift and charge up the move, but that is the same way that you activate lightning. Maybe for this move you charge up lightning and once you see the lightning...
  12. JewFroJustin

    Denied Volt Lunge

    ...I have to do this and I am sorry to all that will hate me for it. *an
  13. JewFroJustin

    Suggestion Waterbending Source Move Changes

    Yeah, that makes sense. You've got a thumbs up from me :D
  14. JewFroJustin

    Denied Volt Lunge

    So would this work in a similar fashion to the gloves that the chi blockers used during the bending revolution?
  15. JewFroJustin

    Suggestion Waterbending Source Move Changes

    I kind of like this move. It would satisfy a lot of people that are wanting more Ice/Snow related moves for water benders, one of them being me.Also it adds a lot of differentiation for water bending moves without having to make new moves or even new combos. My only question: Why is this in the...
  16. JewFroJustin

    Sub-Bending Types need more moves. Mostly Metal and Plant along with some improvement on lava.

    Sub-Bending Types need more moves. Mostly Metal and Plant along with some improvement on lava.
  17. JewFroJustin

    Water Bending Add-On

    Element: Water Add-On to: Both Water Manipulation and Torrent Based Off Of: Numerous Scenes in both ATLA and LoK Basic Idea: This idea is somewhat similar to other ideas about being able to reuse water from moves like Octopus Form, Torrent, and Water Wave. My idea is that you can make a ring of...
  18. JewFroJustin

    Earth Armor (Metal Version)

    I'm glad you see the point, and thanks for support :D
  19. JewFroJustin

    Grappling Hook

    I think that this is a great idea, and I was also thinking of some other improvements to Grappling Hooks. Like if you have one in your inventory anywhere, you could still used it with a new move binded, like something simple called Grapple or something.