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Search results

  1. Archiuz

    Denied Fire Particles

    @vidant829 " well as offer more fluid animations for the element opposed to what it has now." ...
  2. Archiuz

    Denied Ender Men

    very cool, however mist has not given me perms to edit entities
  3. Archiuz

    Denied Fire Particles

    The overall space of texture will increase, but there is only 1 fire particle. There are multiple "smoke" [air] particles regardless of the size.
  4. Archiuz

    Complete Chests O-Q

    the blue items and such are removed in the next update.
  5. Archiuz

    Denied Fire Particles

    I appreciate the feedback but in this case what you are saying is not posssible. It really makes very little sense. Try this, maybe it will help you understand; open a resourcepack of choice and follow this rough file path; assets -> textures -> particles open the particles.png and take a...
  6. Archiuz

    Denied Particles

    @coastyo @Joeri I believe certain colors are hard coded. With x16, there is very little room to edit the particles. Perhaps in the later x32 packs and such we will see a slight difference. I have changed lava particles accordingly however
  7. Archiuz

    ProjectKorra (Resource Pack) x16 BETA v1.0.0 for MC v1.8.1 has been released

    Thanks for the feedback! But, it'd be much more helpful if you comment on what is textured, and how it can be improved. Either way, thanks for the response
  8. Archiuz

    ProjectKorra (Resource Pack) x16 [Deleted]

    @zmeduna chests at release beta release 1.0.0, current release are in fact blue. and a changelog will be kept.
  9. Archiuz

    Denied Particles

    haha, I wish
  10. Archiuz

    Denied Particles

    Great idea, however color is hard coded. Possible slight alterations, but the particles for air and such I believe will remain fairly vanilla based. Thanks!
  11. Archiuz

    Denied Regeneration Effect

    Excellent suggestion! Keep these coming please!
  12. Archiuz

    Complete Blue Fire Addition

    Haha, already done this. Thank you though!
  13. Archiuz

    Pk Resource Pack

    Feedback very much appreciated. I will add a better contrasting highlight to the selector. Depending on how other people view the colors, I will way whats changed. Thank you!
  14. Archiuz

    PK Ability Reviews

    good stuff dude!
  15. Archiuz

    Denied MetalSword

    seems cool, but fairly op
  16. Archiuz

    Our southern airtemple so far

    Looks great.
  17. Archiuz

    Accepted GFX Artist App

    How long have you been dealing with GFX? // 3+ years Could you please provide at least 2-3 examples of your work? http://www.mcbend.net/ // http://imgur.com/qrEm7Sd,YEajctU,KxlTXhr,rX8DCCH,UGtgYgw,mjAOb8j,HqM1dYF,1AP9qWn,HlQ9RjW,I9XqIdT Have you ever done any sort of graphic work inside of...