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  1. NickC1211

    the PK slows the opening

    I just recently started having this problem as well
  2. NickC1211


    Thanks I’ll try to do it tonight
  3. NickC1211


    Does anyone know how I can make a gif of the move?
  4. NickC1211


    Thanks my dream is that plantbending will be as full as icebending XD
  5. NickC1211


    OMG I really love this I especially love the mobility aspect. Plantbending is making a comeback!
  6. NickC1211

    Earthbenders tricks with fighting Airbenders

    Charge an earthsmash then aim at your feet and jump to get launched in the air and while in the air grab it and shoot it. This is useful for airbenders on spouts and doesn’t leave you defenseless in the air.
  7. NickC1211

    Earthbenders tricks with fighting Airbenders

    Your best bet is to stay grounded. It may not seem smart cuz you don’t have a good vantage point but when you catapult into the air you leave yourself defenseless to get hit.
  8. NickC1211


    Try deleting it and re downloading it if it still gives the same error tell me
  9. NickC1211


    NickC1211 updated PlantArmor with a new update entry: Fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. NickC1211

    Waterbending PlantArmor - Fixes

    - Fixed description - Fixed version
  11. NickC1211


    It’s there I just forgot to update the version and description I’ll fix it soon
  12. NickC1211

    Waterbending PlantArmor - Added Effects

    - Added Strength - Added Slowness
  13. NickC1211


    NickC1211 updated PlantArmor with a new update entry: Added Effects Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. NickC1211


    Ok new idea what if I do something like razor leaf. Like if the player is using plant armor and uses Whip or Sprout then it could appear as green particles. That way it’s not as complicated and gives more use to other plant moves
  15. NickC1211


    NickC1211 updated PlantArmor with a new update entry: Bug Fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  16. NickC1211

    Waterbending PlantArmor - Bug Fixes

    - Armor now breaks if gold hearts are gone - fixed night factor - increased config duration
  17. NickC1211


    I’m thinking about getting rid of the gold hearts system completely and making the exp bar the vine count and each hit deplinishes the vine amount. I feel like that’s a more realistic system to plantbending. And perhaps fire moves do more damage or the fire tick takes down the vine count.
  18. NickC1211


    Why you say that lmao
  19. NickC1211


    You make a good point how do you think it could be implemented
  20. NickC1211


    For the regeneration idea I’m thinking like the player has the armor on and if they are standing on a grass block or something you hold shift to charge regeneration. When you do that you’re gold hearts will slowly be replenished and the grass block becomes dirt.