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Side Plugin PK-Support 1.15

a very basic mistake fixed. Looks like I forget to update plugin.yml.
* PKSupport will be compiled with latest versions which is at their gradle repositories of papi, skript and ProjectKorra libraries. Which is 2.10.6 for papi, 2.6aplha-1 for skript and 1.9.0 for project korra.

* Skript and PlaceholderAPI is soft dependency right now. So, you dont have to put them to your plugins folder at the same time, if you aren't using both at the same time.

* Added debug option to config to disable some unnecessary errors.
notValidBendingPlayer: '&cNot Valid Player'
notValidSlot: '&cInvalid Slot'
notSet: '&7slot &e%slot%&7 is empty'
cooldownPrefix: '&m'
notValidParams: '&cNot Valid Params &e%params%'
haventElement: '&cNot choosen any element'
lengthLimit: 10
debug: false
[the] element name of %player% of %number% element
[the] element prefix of %player% of %number% element


Simply returns players <id>th element.

an example in skript
command /whoami:
        send "you are a %element name of %player% of %number% element% bender!"
Added skript support.
Changed plugin name to 'PK-Support' from 'PK-PAPI'