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is a side plugin for Korra Core which tries making the "bending abilitybinding" much easier.
It comes with its own gui where you can see your nine inventory slots and modify them however you want.

Commands & Permissions
Right now, there's only one command with no permission. The command is /bgui or /bendergui and as you may imagine, it simply opens the GUI.
This side plugin does now work with other permission-side plugins as long as they use the Korra Core API.

How to use
This plugin does nothing else then making the command /bender look nicer. To use it, just type /bgui or /bendergui and a GUI will open. There you'll see different icons and if you mouseover them, the function will be displayed.
It would be to much to explain everything, just try it out. You can make 90% of what you can do with the /bender command, so it's not such a big different.

I've developed and tested BenderGUI for the newest stable Korra Core v1.5.1!
I also made it compatible with the awsome side plugin BendingBoard. To do this I have to call the PlayerCooldownChangeEvent (REMOVE) whenever something changes in the GUI. But don't worry, this will not cause any side effects or bugs!


Note: "This is not an official ProjectKorra plugin, therefore, no official support will be provided in any threads other than this one. Use at your own risk."
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. Non OP users finally supported

    Well, I failed last time... Now non op user can also use the GUI. Have fun :)
  2. BendingGui PLUS? Do everything you could do by command with a GUI!

    + added GUI style for nearly every command + fixed "not enough space for abilities" bug + made...