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New Air Mechanics

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You said it's not about bending, but about giving each element a different fighting style. That's just contradicting. Second, what you're suggesting is not a new fighting style. You're suggesting something people could exploit to do more damage. Second if this were added it would be unbalanced and here's why:

Only fire and air have a guaranteed way to move fast enough to activate it. Earth and water do not.

If the speed were lowered to a speed earth and water benders could reach, then air benders would constantly have this buff, making them OP.

The only element that actually uses punching is chi. And don't try to change your argument to make it for chi, because this page is called "New air mechanics".

The amount of time being spent setting themselves up for the extra punch damage could be used to do even more damage with normal moves.

If somebody builds up the speed to activate this what stops a bender of any kind from using any of their ranged moves to stop them?

If you try to argue that this is for bending moves:

There is no evidence from the show (that I am currently aware of, if you have any, post a gif or video) that speed makes any difference. The only time falling matters are when shockwave and airburst are used from falling.

If an earthbender where to use any move they would have to stop to pick a block or they'd run out of range of they block they picked before running. Same for water benders with the exception of bottle bending.

Also, this ability could easily be abused via potions of speed and strength to do even more damage.

The plugin is not broken or horribly out of balance without this mechanic, and moves are suggested with the intent of widening the move pool to make PVP and survival more fun and unique.

Thank you and have a pleasant day.
1. I said that this isnt as much about bending, as it is about creating new fighting styles. That doesnt mean that its not about bending. It means that the MAIN focus is to implememt new styles of combat, not to add new bending moves.
2. If this would be implemented, im positive that their would be a speed cap involved.
3. Water benders have access to water wave which is basically fire jet but with water. Not to mention that most know how to torrent to propel themselves foward at amazing speeds. Earth benders can aim catapult(which by default goes higher than air blast thus causing the same or more damage than an airbender) in any direction. Ive also seen earthbenders ride on an earthsmash and jump off before it stopped. If they were to jump onto someone, they would still receive the damage boost. Chi blockers have a natural speed boost and can use high jump to deal damage.
4. I called it 'New Air Mechanics' i had air in mind when i first thought of this but i realized that it should be a universal mechanic.
5. Nothing stops a bender from countering them. Thats what makes it fair and the different fighting style aspects come in. A bender who is good at longe range combat can counter someone is rushing at them. On the other hand, a skilled close range fighter can close the distance between them and their target and deal a little extra damage if they can do it successfully. Rushing at the target doesnt make them invulnerable.
I dont have an examples to show you at the moment but i can tell you one. If you were to punch someone at a speed of .3 miles per hour, it would hurt that much would it? If you increased the speed to 5miles per hour, it would hurt more than the last one. The more you increase the speed, the more your fist will hurt them(eventually youll reach a speed at which the punch will hurt you but benders are alot more durable than us).
The mechanic is realistic and is not unbalanced. As i said before, it adds more variety to combat and spices up the plugin.
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1. I said that this isnt as much about bending, as it is about creating new fighting styles. That doesnt mean that its not about bending. It means that the MAIN focus is to implememt new styles of combat, not to add new bending moves.
2. If this would be implemented, im positive that their would be a speed cap involved.
3. Water benders have access to water wave which is basically fire jet but with water. Not to mention that most know how to torrent to propel themselves foward at amazing speeds. Earth benders can aim catapult(which by default goes higher than air blast thus causing the same or more damage than an airbender) in any direction. Ive also seen earthbenders ride on an earthsmash and jump off before it stopped. If they were to jump onto someone, they would still receive the damage boost. Chi blockers have a natural speed boost and can use high jump to deal damage.
4. I called it 'New Air Mechanics' i had air in mind when i first thought of this but i realized that it should be a universal mechanic.
5. Nothing stops a bender from countering them. Thats what makes it fair and the different fighting style aspects come in. A bender who is good at longe range combat can counter someone is rushing at them. On the other hand, a skilled close range fighter can close the distance between them and their target and deal a little extra damage if they can do it successfully. Rushing at the target doesnt make them invulnerable.
I dont have an examples to show you at the moment but i can tell you one. If you were to punch someone at a speed of .3 miles per hour, it would hurt that much would it? If you increased the speed to 5miles per hour, it would hurt more than the last one. The more you increase the speed, the more your fist will hurt them(eventually youll reach a speed at which the punch will hurt you but benders are alot more durable than us).
The mechanic is realistic and is not unbalanced. As i said before, it adds more variety to combat and spices up the plugin.

1. If you wanted an alternative to bending why not just use a sword? Or a bow? I know that some servers don't allow weapons in the arena then either; A: Change your element, or B: Just start punching somebody who is going to bend at you. See how well that goes over for you. Not to mention, that would only be good for one punch. Then you would have to run away, avoid all their attacks, and set yourself up to get the boost again and hope you get lucky and hit them again, which by that point they would have already healed.

2. That doesn't solve the issue either. If they set a cap to how fast you could run to get the boost then it would be unrealistic. I know there is terminal velocity, but there isn't a point where you get to be moving so fast your force of impact decreases.

3. Not every waterbender has constant access to water at all times. No arena is 99% water, and you cant use items so then what? Catapult is good for travelling extreme distances, or going straight up. The odds of landing next to your opponent by doing either of those thing are astronomical. Not to mention that not every server has EarthSmash, so earth would be the only that can't use this.

4. The fact that you realized that some time later shows you suggested this before thinking everything out.

5. If it can be countered so easily then why use it? The only people that would use this are Chi Blockers.


Verified Member
1. That's not bending.
2. Those aren't even human beings.
Who would win in a fight - your average human, or your average bull?
Just sayin', but I'm betting on the bull.
And I never implied it to be bending related. I am not taking sides in this 'argument' between you and @TheSkyKing.
I just wanted to put that there lolz


Verified Member
Guys, this honestly shouldn't be a fight. Someone's suggestion does not have to be correct in your mind, you don't need to be aggressive about it. This is after all a suggestion, not something in the plugin already, which I can see getting mad about.


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Air benders have a very small number offensive moves.Due to this, airbenders have learned to use their passive moves to cause indirect damage or assist their offensive moves.
In order to better use these passive abilities, i suggest increased impact damage. If an airbender launches themself towards an enemy and makes physical contact with the target, the target should take added damage due to the acceleration and force of the impact.
A way that this could be implamented is that when an air bender moves at a certain speed or falls from a certain height at, they get a slight attack boost depending on the height or speed. The greater the height/speed, the greater damage boost. The boost would affect only one punch. The boost would also end .5seconds after the bender has either landed or slowed down to under the minimum speed limit required for the boost.

Edit: After posting this i realized that this should apply to all elements. Each element has a way of propelling themselves with high velocity, so its only natural that they would have a boost aswell
Just try to use airsuction to throw people to air (firebenders, waterbenders, and chiblockers), and use airspout while fighting with eartbenders.

Or try to be lower than your enemy who can take falling damage, and use airburst.


Just try to use airsuction to throw people to air (firebenders, waterbenders, and chiblockers), and use airspout while fighting with eartbenders.

Or try to be lower than your enemy who can take falling damage, and use airburst.
Don't forget circular motions! :D
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