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Complete Lightning Redirection

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Verified Member
I don't believe there is a function like this so I have an idea for it if there is not.

The idea is that if a player is hit by lightning when on their lightning bound slot and while they're sneaking that it will instantly charge lightning for them with no damage taken, then they can release it when releasing sneak, as usual. I figure this could apply to all lightning damage. It could defend a firebender against an unlikely natural lightning strike. Its best function will no doubt is in PvP. Skilled firebenders would be able to anticipate a lightning attack and time their sneak just before the strike comes.

It won't be an easy thing to do. Lightning redirection will require precise timing to execute correctly. It's about going to understand how the attacking firebender will attack. It's more efficient than just charging lightning to use against them because when redirecting there is no chance of sustaining damage and the feedback can be release almost instantly when done with fluidity.

We've all seem lightning redirection and it's incredible usefulness. it would be great to have a feature like this for firebenders.


Yeah, this is in. Hold crouch and when you're hit, it instantly charges you. Often used to send two beams of lightning at once :D


Verified Member
Yeah, this is in. Hold crouch and when you're hit, it instantly charges you. Often used to send two beams of lightning at once :D
Ah, okay. Thanks. Pretty much how I thought it would be, which is good. I thought by now you would've implemented so I'm glad it's in. :D


Verified Member
I've done this before, but I wasn't holding shift, what I did was spam shift in the lightning slot and redirect it up to 4 times. But yes, this is already possible.


Verified Member
I've done this before, but I wasn't holding shift, what I did was spam shift in the lightning slot and redirect it up to 4 times. But yes, this is already possible.
Yeah, I was wondering if something like this was added. I'd imagine it would have already been implemented, but I wanted to suggest this just in case, because it really should be in the plug-in around this time. All that being said - I'm glad it is.


Verified Member
In an agni kai are very high
I know this is rather unrelated, but is anyone ever planning on changing the animation for lightning? I mean, we have actual lightning, but I rather dislike the fact that it has to come down from the sky, and I feel other people might be with me on this. Couldn't we do some version of a guardian beam or something else that could come straight from the bender? I'm open to any suggestions or ideas that could create a good look for lightning coming from the player.
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Verified Member
I know this is rather unrelated, but is anyone ever planning on changing the animation for lightning. I mean, we have actual lightning, but I rather dislike the fact that it has to come down from the sky, and I feel other people might be with me on this. Couldn't we do some version of a guardian beam or something else that could come straight from the bender? I'm open to any suggestions or ideas that could create a good look for lightning coming from the player.
It's been suggested a couple of times on previous threads but has never been implemented
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