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WaterCombo: Snowfall

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Verified Member
I have an idea for a WaterCombo technique which I think would be a handy and dynamic addition and make things interesting.

Name: Snowfall

Description: Combo: PhaseChange (left-click) > PhaseChange (right-click) > IceBlast (left-click) > IceBlast (hold sneak). Cause snow to descend over an area that will form thick snow on the ground it hits and slow down all targets caught in it.

How it could work: The PhaseChange (left-click) is to be used over water (or ice), the PhaseChange right-click acts as the method of manipulation to make snow out of the ice, the IceBlast (left-click) will be used on an ice block,which will be the source and the IceBlast (hold sneak) will be the execution of the technique.

The mechanics of which to aim Snowfall would work like how Tornado is aimed. This will create the precipitation over the first area at which they aim. The snow on the ground should be around 3 stacked natural blocks of snow (the really thin kind, just to be clear) for visual effect, the area of which would be circular and 10 blocks default. The snow on the ground should form about 3 seconds after the precipitation starts, that snow then should dissipate about 10 seconds afterwards. The amount of time the precipitation lasts is based on hold long the player is holding sneak, the maximum of which could be around 7-10 seconds default, so if they were to stop sneaking or get hit, the precipitation would be negated. As soon as a target is on this snow they will be slowed and if they exit the snowy area the slowing effect will be gone.

The most effective way to use Snowfall is probably before an enemy is within attacking distance or when they are unable to move, likely from being trapped somehow. It is also an effective way to block certain bending sources, such is earthbending ones. Is it not wise to use when directly engaged in combat because the technique has a gradual effect and deals no damage. Also, it should only be active in a single area and its effect cannot be moved, unlike Tornado. The reason for this to avoid masking too great an area, which can block too many sources for those who are caught in it and produce too much slowing land.

The snow of Snowfall cannot be used as a source, however it can be dissipated with a waterbender's PhaseChange, making it much less effective against other waterbenders.

Should Snowfall be used over water it will cause the surface area to freeze into ice and the snow to form on that.

I hope you like this idea and I think it could be a really great addition and offer knew strategies to waterbenders. I did my best to keep it as balanced but effective as I could think.

Please leave any helpful feedback and offer any ideas you believe could improve this technique. Thank you. :)


Verified Member
This sounds like it should be a move not a combo to me. But it's still really cool!
They're looking for combo techniques for the nearer updates, so I've been thinking up more combos than anything so they have all the combo suggestions they can to give us the best results for updates.

I'm glad you like it though. :)


Verified Member
The idea with this being a WaterCombo is the extra amount of water manipulation that would be required to execute it. I mean, it's making heavy snow fall down from the air, covering the immediate area in overwhelming layers of the stuff. It doesn't seem something you can just do quickly in my opinion. It would take special technique and manipulation, at least in my opinion. XD
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