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Complete AirSweep

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Verified Member
I have a suggestion for an airbending ability. I hope you like it and I believe it would make a great addition to the plug-in.

Airbending is clearly a bending path that is effective with fluid full body movements. For this reason I believe that implementing a combo system for airbending (much like the new system for firebenders) would be most suitable. The technique which I am suggesting would also make a fine introductory combo execution.

Name: AirSweep
Description: Left-click with AirSwipe twice and then tap sneak (default: SHIFT) to unleash a quick swipe of air with a swift sweeping motion of the leg. AirSweep will damage and blow back all those caught in its path.

How it could work: After the combo is executed the particles released forward could appear as a crescent with a height around maybe half the height of the player. If it successfully hits a target it would damage them a small amount (perhaps 1-2 damage default) and throw them in the air and the direction in which it caught them (perhaps 4-5 blocks default).

I believe that if the technique works like this it should be a suitable and effective airbending technique that is well balanced. It will help airbenders be able to deal an extra bit of direct damage to a target after airswipes and also utilise possible fall damage, which could now be used more commonly when directly engaging rather than just spamming the direct damage technique airswipe as commonly as airbenders do.

The idea behind this technique was inspired by a couple of things. Firstly, as I mentioned earlier, airbending is regularly used skilfuly with great, fluid transition in a sequence of techniques. Even the basis of airbending involves constant movement to evade resistance. This is where I believe implementing a combo system for airbenders would be suitable and wise. Ideally, it should open up a range of new possibilities for airbenders, especially regarding techniques. It should push airbenders to engage using greater force and strategy than before so they don't have to be as evasive and passive as they commonly are in PvP combat.

Secondly, AirSweep is a technique that is effectively used in the Legend of Korra series; one particular moment I remember is when Tenzin is set free and uses it in a fight against Amon and other equalists in season 1. I am afraid I do not know how to make GIF's, nor can I find a video of that particular scene, so you'll have to forgive me as I can only provide this example from memory, but I do recommend you try to find it as it should be there.

I hope that this idea enticed and excited those who read it as much as it did me when I thought about it. Please leave as much (constructive) feedback if you believe necessary and I would be very grateful if this is added to an already amazing plug-in.

Sidenote: I apologise for such long post, but I wanted everything to be covered in enough detail for developers and the rest of the community to accurately understand my idea so I'm grateful for the patience. :)

Edit: Okay, I would like to add and change some details of AirSweep. I think a more diverse combo like AirSwipe (left-click) > AirSwipe (left-click) > AirBlast (left-click) > Tap sneak (default: SHIFT) could add a more dynamic impact and improve the pattern. The two AirSwipes will deal a firm amount of damage in quick succession followed by an effective pushback move then followed by an additional minor damage and possible fall damage move.

That brings me to my next detail, and that is the range. When I think about including the AirBlast I believe a rather large range should be added to AirSweep to prove it effective (maybe around 20 - 25 blocks default). I don't believe a really long range would make AirSweep overpowered and that is already well balanced and this should help seal the combo.
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Verified Member
I like this idea a lot. It seems like a good, possible combo. The only thing I would think to add is AirBlast when doing the combo. It could be something like AirSwipe twice, left click AirBlast, and tap shift.


Verified Member
I like this idea a lot. It seems like a good, possible combo. The only thing I would think to add is AirBlast when doing the combo. It could be something like AirSwipe twice, left click AirBlast, and tap shift.
That is actually a nice suggestion; I think that would be a great way to polish the combo so thank you for that. :)
I edited the post to include the updated details of AirSweep.


Verified Member
Also, they have stated all elements will get combo moves for 1.5. They even went so far as to say that no new abilities will be added until 1.6 at the earliest except combos.


Verified Member
Also, they have stated all elements will get combo moves for 1.5. They even went so far as to say that no new abilities will be added until 1.6 at the earliest except combos.
Oh, how serendipitous, in a way. It seems all the more feasible to add AirSweep in that sense then. I hope it gets added, I really do.


Verified Member
I agree air should have a combo system, but this move is practically airswipe with a combo, longer range and slightly stronger knockback.


Verified Member
I agree air should have a combo system, but this move is practically airswipe with a combo, longer range and slightly stronger knockback.
AirSweep deal a less damage than AirSwipe (about 1 heart at most) and its primary power is in the knockback, so I see what you're saying, but it functions differently. AirSweep serves as a little extra to a stream of moves. It can be used to keep the target at a comfortable distance. It could be used offensively or defensively in that way. AirSwipe on the other hand is purely offensive and its main job is primary damage for airbenders, so they both can function in very different ways depending on how they're used.


Verified Member
I think they just sort of took airswipe and replaced the air with the fire particles lol
It's still cool tho
1. Impossible. This move was made before Coolade was made a dev, so he wasn't allowed to use the core code. (I think)
2. In FireKick you see every particle neatly placed. In AirSwipe, they are jumbled up and disorganized.


Verified Member
1. Impossible. This move was made before Coolade was made a dev, so he wasn't allowed to use the core code. (I think)
2. In FireKick you see every particle neatly placed. In AirSwipe, they are jumbled up and disorganized.
There is a particle thing placed in each block and with air its the smoke or white smoke or whatever and with fire they use the torch particles. I'm not a coder or anything but I think that it's the same for both.
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