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Bug Report Attack Direction


Verified Member
Element: All -chi
Description: So here is a nice trick for you, earthblast a source block from beneath your target to cause it to fly up and have fall damage. Exept that does not work.
Details: it used to be possible, because attacks would push the target in the direction they should go. But now it is like you just punched them, and that is the only direction it does knockback.
How it should work: each bending move should push back the target they way they used to in Orion's plugin.
I guess this will turn into a suggestion if this is not a bug.


Verified Member
I'm sorry, but this doesn't seem like a bug.

I don't remember a time when earthblast made targets fly upward in Orion's plugin by the way. :p


Verified Member
I'm sorry, but this doesn't seem like a bug.

I don't remember a time when earthblast made targets fly upward in Orion's plugin by the way. :p
That is because you never hit a target from underneath. And if a watermanipulation is coming from the back of your opponent, they get knockback the wrong direction. If you want to test it, you can shift on a watersource from behind your opponent with watermanipulation then just click at your target. It causes knockback in the wrong direction, and therefor ruining many tricks. This also is a bit iffy. If a firebender fireblasts a airbender, the airbender can't run because they get knockback from the fire damage, which should not even exist.


New Member
That is because you never hit a target from underneath. And if a watermanipulation is coming from the back of your opponent, they get knockback the wrong direction. If you want to test it, you can shift on a watersource from behind your opponent with watermanipulation then just click at your target. It causes knockback in the wrong direction, and therefor ruining many tricks. This also is a bit iffy. If a firebender fireblasts a airbender, the airbender can't run because they get knockback from the fire damage, which should not even exist.
id just like to point out, you say fire shouldnt have knockback, the gif in your signature, is that not knockback i see happening with the fire? o_O.... js...


Verified Member
id just like to point out, you say fire shouldnt have knockback, the gif in your signature, is that not knockback i see happening with the fire? o_O.... js...
I mean that the knockback should not continue for long. That is how it is now. The knockback should be like how airswipe, watermanipulation, and earthblast are.


Verified Member
That is because you never hit a target from underneath. And if a watermanipulation is coming from the back of your opponent, they get knockback the wrong direction. If you want to test it, you can shift on a watersource from behind your opponent with watermanipulation then just click at your target. It causes knockback in the wrong direction, and therefor ruining many tricks. This also is a bit iffy. If a firebender fireblasts a airbender, the airbender can't run because they get knockback from the fire damage, which should not even exist.
Haha, you claim I have never used one of the most basic earthbending tricks? You misjudged me. I think earthblast launching players upward is too much for the basic attack of earth. Let some other move do that.

Water manipulation seems to cause knockback more according to how minecraft physics work. What you suggest completely ruins an entire style of waterbending by the way.


Verified Member
Haha, you claim I have never used one of the most basic earthbending tricks? You misjudged me. I think earthblast launching players upward is too much for the basic attack of earth. Let some other move do that.

Water manipulation seems to cause knockback more according to how minecraft physics work. What you suggest completely ruins an entire style of waterbending by the way.
How? There is a waterbending trick ruined by the in-ability to do this. This is called ninja bending. You can water manipulation a source from behind a enemy and knock them towards you. Not so much. They know it is you because it knocks them back the wrong way.


Verified Member
How? There is a waterbending trick ruined by the in-ability to do this. This is called ninja bending. You can water manipulation a source from behind a enemy and knock them towards you. Not so much. They know it is you because it knocks them back the wrong way.


Verified Member
That trick just lets you get a few more hits in with watermanipulation. If you wanted to use it with earthbending you could, and it could just not have knockup, simple as that. Firebending is a little op in terms of knockback, as it continually knocks you back each half heart of burn damage you take. It is not even like normal amounts of knockback, same knockback as the original fireblast. I have firebending as a main, (you can probably guess) and I support this debuff!!! All I am saying is that knockback as a whole is quite a bit screwed up.