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Fire: Discharge

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Verified Member
Well, in ATLA lightning bending was extremely rare and almost always fatal. It was probably nerfed down in power over the ages and increased in speed and accessibility. Which is why the charged Azula lightning does more damage than the high speed Macho lighting. God, I would love to see those two battle in an Agni Kai... That would be so fking awesome.
I think it might be that, since the art was expanded on in the next 50 years, firebenders have learned to control the voltage of their lightning generation to include weaker variations for disarming and such. If you recall, Mako killed someone with his lightning.


Verified Member
I think it might be that, since the art was expanded on in the next 50 years, firebenders have learned to control the voltage of their lightning generation to include weaker variations for disarming and such. If you recall, Mako killed someone with his lightning.
only because they were in water (if you're talking about Ming Hua.)


Verified Member
Maybe it could be made as a addition to lightning. When it is halfway charged you should be able to click with it and cause a high knockback, low damaging lightning strike. I just want to keep it possible to bind all the offensive moves.


Verified Member
Water doesn't amplify lightning, it just enables it to travel. Just because she was in water would have no effect other than to enable him to hit her easier.
Technically, if it's in water with certain minerals it will slightly amplify the voltage. If it's pure water it actually won't travel.
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