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Denied Disalign - Chi Blocker Ability

Do you think this move should be added?

  • OMG YUUUS <3

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • EEEHhh... Could use a little work

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • </3 o-o no...

    Votes: 8 36.4%

  • Total voters
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Ability Name: Disalign
Ability Type: Passive
Element: Chi

Info: Whenever a chi blocker hits a another bender (either with a specific move or simply by punching) there is a slight chance (somewhere below 5%) that a configurable number of the targets hot bar binds are either randomly swapped with one another or unbound all together. This ability simulates the possibility of a chi blockers disaligning their targets chi instead of completely blocking it.

*Please note all percents and numbers within this idea are completely suggest to change and even allowed to be configurable and all questions/feedback is appreciated!


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The main thing to remember is this passive is has a very slight chance of happening from a single attack. However when paired with rapid punch and paralyze it is possible that you could hit someone enough it would disalign their chi instead of blocking it. Its meant to be somewhat realistic as well as improving the combat abilities of chi blockers because I feel they have gotten somewhat left out with all the other elements getting sub elements. So I saw this as a reasonable boost that also fit their other abilities and root purpose, to disable/impede benders.
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Verified Member
I see how cool this would be, but would this work on the avatar? What if they're in avatar-state. What if 2 moves go to the same slot (server crashes)


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Yeah, there would most defiantly be a system in place to assure that wouldn't happen. Also I could only see it swapping at most two moves by default so that situation would never happen anyways.


Verified Member
Right, this is a truly great idea, but you must imagine the rage waterbenders and earthbenders would feel... Chi blockers counter ANY kind of bender who doesn't move fairly often and relies on a source to attack. I believe fire benders have the advantage over chi, that's... About it. Any way you slice it, this idea really would finally give chi blockers the advantage they kind of needed. I'm an accomplished waterbender, meaning I could outsmart some dude running at me while training to punch me. Surge and torrent spam... Chi blockers can't touch you. This means, although exceptionally op to some people, it is very much beatable.


Verified Member
True dat, but if you're an avatar you should be able to counter a chi blocker. If you can't, you either suck, or that chi blocker is a bada*s


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Its not trying to simulate you forgetting your moves... Its trying to replicate the sensation of having your usual abilities and style interrupted temporarily. Also it is very realistic in the terms of the show, there are many instances of chi blockers not completely disrupting someones chi but instead causing confusion and weakening for the bender.


Verified Member
Its not trying to simulate you forgetting your moves... Its trying to replicate the sensation of having your usual abilities and style interrupted temporarily. Also it is very realistic in the terms of the show, there are many instances of chi blockers not completely disrupting someones chi but instead causing confusion and weakening for the bender.
So your slots would change back after the effect clears up? What I am thinking is that it takes some people 5 minutes to bind all their moves, and to have it ruined in just a single punch would be VERY annoying..


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You fail to realize that this ability is very stoppable and has a very low chance of happening... However due to the rest of the chi abilities it suits the "element" Its as AngryWaterBender said...

"Any way you slice it, this idea really would finally give chi blockers the advantage they kind of needed. I'm an accomplished waterbender, meaning I could outsmart some dude running at me while training to punch me. Surge and torrent spam... Chi blockers can't touch you. This means, although exceptionally op to some people, it is very much beatable."


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Just saying, we never said one way or the other that chi will/wont have a sub element :D I'm not saying if it will but its best to not assume anything with our plugin!


Verified Member
/bending preset bind <whatever> would counter this easy enough provided your players have access to it. It would be an easy step after the fight (or they could take time out of the fight) to rebind them and fix it.

After the first time the ole T Up Enter method would nullify this except for the most relentless of chi blockers.

I support this move it sounds great as is.
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