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Denied Suffocation Sucks ;) (Air)


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How would that make sense? You're getting the effects while the person being suffocated is just losing hearts?


Verified Member
How would that make sense? You're getting the effects while the person being suffocated is just losing hearts?
No, the farther you go away determines whether or not you get the negative effects, and I only put that down because Zaheer stood really close to both the earth queen and Korra, as well as in the plugin that already exists, you have to stand really close to use it. I just thought there was a connection there.

EDIT> Also, you aren't the only person who gets effects, the person being suffocated gets them regardless. I actually think only slowness should be added, so that there is an actual limit to how far away you can go, which shouldn't be relatively far.


Verified Member
I don't see as to why the bender would get negative affects just from moving away from the move...
I believe the move is fine as is, if you would have hit Zaheer it would have most likely broke his concentration on making the sphere. The player not moving is due to them being deprived all all their oxygen, instantly draining energy sources. Small movements demonstrated by the Earth Queen such as turning or moving her head and hands is plenty enough considering every ounce of oxygen in her lungs is being pulled out. This way the player can turn and shoot a projectile or blast at the target source. I believe the move requires great concentration, but I do not think that they would gain negative affects. They are close to the opponent because it is a delicate process bending the air out of a humans lungs.
And as Majorite said, the Suffocation 2 works in different ways, give it a try if you have not already.



Verified Member
I don't see as to why the bender would get negative affects just from moving away from the move...
I believe the move is fine as is, if you would have hit Zaheer it would have most likely broke his concentration on making the sphere. The player not moving is due to them being deprived all all their oxygen, instantly draining energy sources. Small movements demonstrated by the Earth Queen such as turning or moving her head and hands is plenty enough considering every ounce of oxygen in her lungs is being pulled out. This way the player can turn and shoot a projectile or blast at the target source. I believe the move requires great concentration, but I do not think that they would gain negative affects. They are close to the opponent because it is a delicate process bending the air out of a humans lungs.
And as Majorite said, the Suffocation 2 works in different ways, give it a try if you have not already.


Thank you for your very well structured response. I see now that it wouldn't make very much sense that the user would gain negative effects just to simulate concentration. This suggestion is mainly to fix the extreme impracticality of suffocation. Earthbenders are better at suffocating players in walls than airbenders are at suffocating them with an actual move. But seeing these thoughts that you bring up, I'll change my suggestion, because I see your point.

However I believe you may have misunderstood the point of this suggestion. I think that the effects of oxygen deprivation should be shown, and that suffocation should be used for those effects, not just the damage, which is seriously underpowered.


Verified Member
You're right. We should change suffocate to a move that you shift on the person and they can't move at all. They shouldn't be able to bend out of it, nor should they even take any damage.


Verified Member
You're right. We should change suffocate to a move that you shift on the person and they can't move at all. They shouldn't be able to bend out of it, nor should they even take any damage.
Are you being sarcastic? Paralyzation is a chi blocker thing ._.


Verified Member
Look dude, I don't know what I did to set you off, all I'm trying to do is make a friendly suggestion here. I'm not complaining. Suffocation has zero practicality, and I'm just trying to expand on ways it might be useful. Hugs man. Hugs.


Verified Member
The reason I think of effects towards the other player is that when you are actually suffocating in real life, your vision goes blurry, and you become fatigued (probably spelled that wrong). The longer you stay without air, the worse this becomes. At this point I'm willing to reconsider having this opinion posted at all, if you think that this is pointless, post a yes or no and I will count the responses.


Verified Member
The reason I think of effects towards the other player is that when you are actually suffocating in real life, your vision goes blurry, and you become fatigued (probably spelled that wrong). The longer you stay without air, the worse this becomes. At this point I'm willing to reconsider having this opinion posted at all, if you think that this is pointless, post a yes or no and I will count the responses.
As everyone said but you probably don't understand, why don't you use suffocate2? It's a really better move than the original one and it's work really different, most people only use suffocate2 than original suffocate


Verified Member
I disagree with everything you said except for number four. The only thing that suffocation needs to become useful is to be "aimable." Beasically be able to be within 5-10 blocks of your opponent instead of right on top of them. (Of course then you'd have to aim your cursor but no biggy)


Verified Member
I'm talking about whatever the paralyzation thing was, not buffs.
The paralyzation thing I said, was that suffocation shouldn't have it. And okay, I suppose this wasn't the greatest idea. Thank you all for your opinions. Can anyone tell me how to remove this suggestion?


Verified Member
The paralyzation thing I said, was that suffocation shouldn't have it. And okay, I suppose this wasn't the greatest idea. Thank you all for your opinions. Can anyone tell me how to remove this suggestion?
Don't be hard on yourself, just because some people don't like it the whole community follows.
Learn from your mistakes.


Verified Member
Don't be hard on yourself, just because some people don't like it the whole community follows.
Learn from your mistakes.
I'm not being hard on myself. I really could download suffocation2 plus this doesn't really make too much sense. The best way to improve suffocation is simply to make it more effective, not change it into something else entirely.