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Denied Airbending - Air Shield

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Verified Member
In the show, the current air shield wasn't uses often because it was considered a master airbending skill, but the air shield im talking about is what Aang used most of the time.

If you know what im talking about, it's pretty much like the current left click fireshield, but it's air, it knocks people back, and deflects projectiles.

Why is this needed? Because taking the time to shift with airshield when you are just trying to get the person in front you is dangerous because

  1. They can wait for you at a distance.
  2. They can just shoot/grab you while shifting.
I couldn't care any less if someone says its just a dumb fireshield but air. Why? Because some moves from different elements have the same principles. Meanies.
@HydroMan - @Loony - @Gamzee - @Easte


Verified Member
All of which is annoying and won't get the thread marked any quicker.
There isn't any reason to tag CD's in posts because we have to mark every post, we will see it eventually.
I said because I tag friends.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
All of which is annoying and won't get the thread marked any quicker.
There isn't any reason to tag CD's in posts because we have to mark every post, we will see it eventually.
The chances of them stopping this annoying behaviour is very, very low


Verified Member
I don't think this kind of thing is needed in the plugin as of now. What you suggested isnt really a airshield, airshield is the sphere that appears around you to dodge entities and elemental moves.

Its supposed to be "the ultimate defense" move. I think this is a unnecessary addition, and kind of pointless.

Denied for now.
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