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Surge addon

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Verified Member
when you make a surge shield wether it be ice or water you can right click to push it at the player in front of you like a normal surge. This could be useful if you blocking attacks and need breathing room. Basically it's like going directly from shield to surge. I think that the ice surge should do a heart of damage.

Tell me what you think or if this has been suggested already


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Good idea. It would certainly be useful in terms of bending. :D

I don't think pushing a shield of ice should do damage though. It's too non canon in my opinion.

Still a great idea though. Would love to see this implemented :)


Verified Member
I like this idea because you wont have to reselect a source in order to use the push back form of surge and can go straight to surge from surgeshield >.>


Verified Member
Have you ever search a thread for the similar name for the move before pisting it? I consider you should ALWAYS do it before posting yours.
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