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Denied EarthCatch

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Name: EarthCatch
Element: Earth/Combo
Type: Defensive
ComboFormula: EarthSmash (Hold Sneak) > EarthGrab (Release Sneak) > EarthGrab (Left Click the target)
Purpose/Function: After The Combo performed, an earth made structure, shown in pic, will spout out from the ground reaching 30 15 blocks heigth. When a bender is caugth by it, it will clenched him/her in a fist shape. After the thing reaches the final top heigth, it will then take, the caught bender/nothing back down to the ground. If encase option is enabled (via config.yml), the cougth thing will be in trapped in a dome after being slammed down to the ground. This is stronger version of earthbender defense, allowinf for catching airbenders (or any other one that isn't on the ground) in mid air. That pretty much sums it up.
Canon: Don't recognised this ever been show, but i believed it is possible for even experience benders to achieve this kind of tactic.
In-Game Pictures:
A Hand shape huge pillar will be spouted from the ground, with 3x2 width arm, 4 blocks lenth figers and 3 blocks thumb at the side, 7x3 palm. Also the arm is 5 blocks tall.

The Fingers of the structure will then be touched agaisnt each other, without leaving a space in between them. Because of that, the palm's dimension would shrink to 4x3. This how it would look like...

It will continuo rushing till it reaches the limited heigth (15 blocks), which after stopping would encased the target in a clenched fist dome. After it encompass whatever it had caugth, it would quickly pull itself back to ground like a falling rope and then collapse after, releasing the one who was in it (unless the option i mentioned is enabled, then that player would be left imprisoned until either he breaks free by using charge moves (watermanipulation if a waterbender, which would allow one block per attack), collapse or by another if he cannot.

Another type of fist could be used instead is shown below, which also surounds each side of it, unallowing for the bender to escape easy.

Additional Information:
Note that the speed of the moving thing is very fast, in where the target is less likely to react and dodge the catch. The moving speed would be maybe a milisecond.
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The coding for this would probably be incredibly laggy. Not to mention, its too non-canon. Remember, while it doesn't have to have been shown, it needs to have some factual ground (hehe) to stand on.


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Facts/examples from a canon source that suggests a bender would be capable of this
EarthBenders can encompass a player in an earthgrab. In that case, theoractly an earthbender could encompass anybody up the air, by making a support below it attached and raise inti some degree. Like imagine an earthbender doing raiseearth and then adding earthgrab to it. This make sense for a combo, as it is not a usual thing to do for a bender as it demands some skill and knowdelge to perform this trick.


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EarthBenders can encompass a player in an earthgrab. In that case, theoractly an earthbender could encompass anybody up the air, by making a support below it attached and raise inti some degree. Like imagine an earthbender doing raiseearth and then adding earthgrab to it. This make sense for a combo, as it is not a usual thing to do for a bender as it demands some skill and knowdelge to perform this trick.
You're saying because they can raise a pit around a player, they can easily raise a giant hand with moving fingers and the ability to grab somebody? You do realize the Dai Li used rock GLOVES right, the size of their normal hands. This is really big, clunky, and would probably laggy and buggy as all heck to code. Combo or not there is no ground for this.


Verified Member
You're saying because they can raise a pit around a player, they can easily raise a giant hand with moving fingers and the ability to grab somebody? You do realize the Dai Li used rock GLOVES right, the size of their normal hands. This is really big, clunky, and would probably laggy and buggy as all heck to code. Combo or not there is no ground for this.
I can agree on the lag thing as it might be a possibility, BUT it is possible for an earthbender to do so.


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I can agree on the lag thing, BUT it is possible for an earthbender to do so.
What proof do you have? Show me a clip or image of an Earthbender making a giant fist? Just saying "It's possible" isn't proof to show it's canon.


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Dai Li where pretty much quick, as they wouldn't waste doing this combo, so instead they use gloves.


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I think that making a giant fist with moving fingers would be pretty hard to do. Nonetheless, it probably would be possible for a master earthbender like Toph, or maybe Kyoshi. You also have to remember that Aang made a giant fist with moving fingers out of water in the final episode of Book 1. So I do think it'd be possible, but I don't think it'd work very well with this plugin. Extremely laggy, for one, and two, only an extremely experienced earthbender would be able to do it.


Verified Member
I see where you get the concept, but the thing is that it would be very difficult for a bender to manipulate a giant rock hand. This also seems a bit OP. For now Im going to deny this, though you should look into making a better more improved version of this.

Keep it smaller, but still keep the general idea of lifting someone up.

Denied for now.
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