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[Part of JedCore] Fissure Combo [Deleted]

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New Member
jedk1 submitted a new resource:

Fissure Combo - Fissure Combo for Earth Benders!

This Earth Combo creates a Fissure in the ground which can trap enemies in!

Collapse (Right Click a block) > Shockwave (Tap Sneak) > Shockwave (Tap Sneak)

All config options for this move can be located at the end of the default ProjectKorra config under 'ExtraAbilities -> jedk1 -> Combos -> Fissure'

Range: 50
RevertDelay: 7500
Depth: 5
AvatarStateDepth: 8
PK Build:...
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Verified Member
This looks wicked cool, But theres not much of a use for it besides trapping a waterbender..

Levi Ackerman

Verified Member
Why doesnt it work? i gave myself permission (pex user (my name) add bending.ability.FissureCombo) and i put the jar file in the Combo folder but it doesnt work


Verified Member
maybe ravine :p and it would be cool if u could close it with another collapse click so the traped one get crushed for an amount of time with a delay of amount of seconds also it would be cool if there is also a avatarbuff for the width and not only the depth


New Member
maybe ravine :p and it would be cool if u could close it with another collapse click so the traped one get crushed for an amount of time with a delay of amount of seconds also it would be cool if there is also a avatarbuff for the width and not only the depth
Everything you just suggested exists.... but theres a bug with avatarstate that it gets disabled on right click


Verified Member
I think it would be cool if you added more functionality with different moves, in a way like water arms where you have a different hotbar slot for different parts of the ability. For example:

Slot 1-Click on slot one and turn the bottom into a pit of lava

Slot 2-Click on slot two to create a rapidly shaking fissure, knocking back and damaging entities caught in its blast (Like shockwave)

Slot 3-Click on slot three to consume your opponents (Not sure how this works, but I imagine someone falling into it, the it closing on them, dealing 3-4 hearts and suffocation damage)

Slot 4-Raise multiple shards of earth out of the pit (Like 3-4 earth smashes that you can control at different times)

Slot 5-Shift while on this slot to change the direction of the fissure, dealing small damage and knockback to anyone hit by it
Some of these are rather op with only being able to click once, and I do not suggest using only the click once, but making it have something like that.


New Member
I think it would be cool if you added more functionality with different moves, in a way like water arms where you have a different hotbar slot for different parts of the ability. For example:

Slot 1-Click on slot one and turn the bottom into a pit of lava

Slot 2-Click on slot two to create a rapidly shaking fissure, knocking back and damaging entities caught in its blast (Like shockwave)

Slot 3-Click on slot three to consume your opponents (Not sure how this works, but I imagine someone falling into it, the it closing on them, dealing 3-4 hearts and suffocation damage)

Slot 4-Raise multiple shards of earth out of the pit (Like 3-4 earth smashes that you can control at different times)

Slot 5-Shift while on this slot to change the direction of the fissure, dealing small damage and knockback to anyone hit by it
Some of these are rather op with only being able to click once, and I do not suggest using only the click once, but making it have something like that.
This is a combo. Not a multiability
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