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Valid Concept Designer Application


Verified Member
Just so you know, I have been a concept designer before, but please give me another chance to work with you all. I've resolved my issues and would be active once again.

Why do you want to be a Concept Designer for ProjectKorra?

I would like to become a concept designer for ProjectKorra once again for many varying reasons. I enjoy the community here, and I want to help expand upon the plugin's growth into becoming better (and somewhat bigger). I've helped in the past, but I had gone inactive for personal reasons. If I was a concept designer again, I would be as active a I can be and help hash through the mass amount of suggestions and bring the important ones to the Development Team. I enjoy looking through the great ideas in the suggestions, but it becomes bothersome when there are many suggestions for one move (stuff like fire-jab) that of which have one post that has 'Looking Into' then people continue to ignore the old things.

Please provide links to 2-3 of the best suggestions you have made on ProjectKorra:
BloodBending (Complete): http://projectkorra.com/forum/threads/bloodbending.252/
Bending Events (Looking Into): http://projectkorra.com/forum/threads/bending-events.75/
Bending Toggle (Complete): http://projectkorra.com/forum/threads/bending-toggle.58/
Lightning Buff/Nerf (Looking Into): http://projectkorra.com/forum/threads/lightning-buff-nerf.1576/

Probending Specific Moves (Looking Into): http://projectkorra.com/forum/threads/probending-specific-moves.1434/
Misunderstood, now I crossed out my extra 2. Sorry.

Do you have a preference for which plugin you work on?
I have no real preference for which plugin I work on, just that I am helping the plugin grow in some way.

Country / Time Zone:


Additional Relevant Skills:
I can maneuver the site pretty well, that of which would help with going through suggestions and finding ones that should be brought up to the team. I understand English perfectly, that of which can help people understand ideas better and I can understand what people are trying to say. I am also used to dealing with people with poor English, so I can make my speaking in very basic phrases that won't confuse them.
I'm not sure if this is exactly 'relevant', but I can work to make appealing threads that have coherent parts.
Another thing is that I am a large avatar nerd, that of which gives me the knowledge to follow the lore of the show.

Thank you for reading my application :D
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