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Hi guys! If its one thing I know, airbending is not really all the powerful. I know airbending is a passive element, but dont you think it would be nice to have some damage (apart from wall damage). Here is what I am suggestion, Build Up.

I believe airbending should have a "passive" ability for whenever an airbending does a move that does knockback, (let say airblast) it would increase in knockback the more time it's used with another move.

Lets do an example.

Airblast Lv.1 - Airswipe - Airswipe - Airblast Lv.2 - Airsweep - Tornado (Combo) - Airblast Lv.3

Airblast would go only to level 3 and thats the largest amount of knockback airblast can do.

To keep this from being overpowered,
  • You can only use a certain air move a certain # of times.
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