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Looking Into Propelling


Verified Member
I don't know if this is in the plugin ,which i doubt it (and i hope it isn't so this won't be a waste) so here is my new thought move
Name: Propeller
Element: Water
Type: This can be added as a seperate move or a passive ability working with "fastswim"
Purpose/Function: With this you will able to swim faster in a boat by l-clicking (to deactive the move you l-click it again). Any nearby boats (w/o people in them) will also swim faster by the same pace you are swimming while in use of this ,but if they move further from you then they wont be affected. This works great while swimming in boats with your non-waterbender friends when you are in need to swim faster or to quickly reach your desirable destination ;)
CoolDown: None

I know that this might consider not necessary ,but it would be a cool thing added ;)
P.S I know that i have posted this before ,but i think this would fit in here (its not really a role-playing ,but a good addon for it ;) ). I thought that it might be denied in the pk core ,but i believe 'you('pk staff) would consider adding this to the rpg :) .

xD Cel Dx

Verified Member
I don't know if this is in the plugin ,which i doubt it (and i hope it isn't so this won't be a waste) so here is my new thought move
Name: Propeller
Element: Water
Type: This can be added as a seperate move or a passive ability working with "fastswim"
Purpose/Function: With this you will able to swim faster in a boat by l-clicking (to deactive the move you l-click it again). Any nearby boats (w/o people in them) will also swim faster by the same pace you are swimming while in use of this ,but if they move further from you then they wont be affected. This works great while swimming in boats with your non-waterbender friends when you are in need to swim faster or to quickly reach your desirable destination ;)
CoolDown: None

I know that this might consider not necessary ,but it would be a cool thing added ;)
P.S I know that i have posted this before ,but i think this would fit in here (its not really a role-playing ,but a good addon for it ;) ). I thought that it might be denied in the pk core ,but i believe 'you('pk staff) would consider adding this to the rpg :) .
omg this would be sooo coool!! i could imagin myself traveling through my swamp in my lil boat with this <33!

xD Cel Dx

Verified Member
i was talking to jed about a move called surf basicly it looks exactly the same as earthsurf but u can only do it on water and if u keep left clicking it builds the wave bigger an bigger forming a psunami behind/under you great for travel but could also be used as aan awesome utility


Verified Member
i was talking to jed about a move called surf basicly it looks exactly the same as earthsurf but u can only do it on water and if u keep left clicking it builds the wave bigger an bigger forming a psunami behind/under you great for travel but could also be used as aan awesome utility
Don't forget that this addon is more of a utility for the other non-waterbenders to help swimming along you ,as i said in the other same thread. Maybe you know how we can improve this more :)

xD Cel Dx

Verified Member
this is for propelling boats, each boat would have to have a waterbender on it and the boats would have to be multi passanger to carry them with you. all you would have to do to impliment this would be to add a boat requirement to use the utility


Verified Member
this is for propelling boats, each boat would have to have a waterbender on it and the boats would have to be multi passanger to carry them with you. all you would have to do to impliment this would be to add a boat requirement to use the utility
But then it would be just like fastswim ,and it would lose its benefit ,that way i suggest that it affects other boats around you ,making others travel with you with some fun along :)