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Denied Smokebending

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Verified Member
Ok I'm back, and I have an idea:
Type:combo: hold airshield with sneak/release on airburst/hold airshield until a set time
set time:5-10 secs
Cooldown: ptional, maybe 20 sec
Description:smog would be a black, and thick particle used for making a tiny damaging cover to escape from a fight, anything caught in it would(if possible) quickly loose there air and take tiny dammage, if in too long, they will get poison.the middle would be considered the safe zone.to make it seem more logical and less OP, the maker of the smog can take that dammage also,
Uses:slowly damage your enemy and escape
Config: possibly we could use a thick airshield, once the combo is over the air slowly thins
Canon: srry, I can't find a pic of it but, zaheer had this at zhaofu when capturing Korra, he used his staff to make cover, the only thing that wasn't canon was the damage

I hope u have liked, peace


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Not to mention that smokescreen is a Chi move. I recommend that you move the suggestion to the Items plugin and suggest this as an Air Staff addon


Verified Member
No, you don't understand, ik its a similar to chi, this is a lot different, smokescreen is for blinding, this move is for cover and light dammage to escape, and not to mention that this is a combo and its canon.


Staff member
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No, you don't understand, ik its a similar to chi, this is a lot different, smokescreen is for blinding, this move is for cover and light dammage to escape, and not to mention that this is a combo and its canon.
If you watch what zaheer does, he's basically making a tornado with the intent of picking up debris as cover. Basically it would just be tornado with a blind effect.

And even then? What's the point of this? To blind a person? That's not what he did, he created away so only he and his team couldn't be seen. Even if nobody can see you, they can still fire at the giant swirl of particles that are getting in the way, so it would have to be an escape move. But how else can you escape when you're surrounded? Oh right! AirBurst!
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I don't see how airbenders would be able to somehow generate smoke, especially since we saw that they cannot even bend smoke in LOK, Book 1. Denied
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