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Tournament Plugin:

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Verified Member
Recently, bending tournaments are becoming more and more popular.
Which isn't no surprise, player's love them and they are incredibly fun.

However, these tournaments are a pain to set up and monitor.

A quick summary of how a bending tournament works:
  • Player's would enter with their chosen element
  • A date would be given on the forums
  • On that date, you would TP each player to the custom built arena spawns
  • Give them a countdown, then, they fight (usually, best out of three)
Whoever is the winner would get a custom rank, with a customized prefix (for example, FireLord, WaterChief) with added commands like /nick, depending on what the server provides.

The above doesn't sound like much, but matching up all the player's, TPing them in one by one, monitoring the fight, Tping them back in when someone dies, ect, can be a real pain if you have a lot of members online, all talking in chat when you're trying to ask the people who are fighting if they're ready or not.

What would this tournament plugin include?
I've listed what I think it should include, but I think it should be configurable just incase you do not want the features the plugin would provide.
  • Player matchup and applying in-game. - This would add an /tournyapply (or any other command) for player's to apply for the tournament in-game. It would recognize their element and match someone of the same element. It could say something like ''You have been matched with _____'' when they apply.
  • Matchup teleportation's. - For owner's to start a tournament with a command, (for example, /firestart) and it would go down the list of matchups, and teleport them into the set spawn. It would also teleport them BOTH back to their set spawns when the fight is over (the amount of kills/deaths a person can have before their fight is over would be editable). Then, when the fights are over, TP them out into the set location.
  • Ranks & chat broadcasts. - There would be customizable ranks that get given when you win your matchup (FireLord, ChiNub, ect), or allocate a custom rank that you have made, In chat, it would broadcast when someone has become FireLord, or whichever title they have won. It could also broadcast (only to the people fighting) that their fight has started.
  • Final battle. - For the plugin to know which fight is the one that the winner gains the title, you could just add a command like /finalfire to identify that it's the final battle.
You could add even more to this plugin, I am just stating the basic's for what the plugin should include.

Why should you make this plugin?
You should make this plugin because it would help out a lot of server's and encourage more bending tournaments.
Like I said, player's love bending tournaments and they are incredibly fun. They just require a lot of moderation and setting up. For server's who have few or no staff, that is hard to organise by yourself.
It would also help server's become more popular.

Thanks for reading, I hope you like my idea,


Verified Member
I'm quite busy right now but I wouldn't mind coding this in the future x3
That would be great!
If you do get around to coding it when you aren't as busy, feel free to send me a message about refinements in the plugin, more features, ect :)


Staff member
Lead Developer
Plugin Developer
Hmmm... I wonder if I could port over a tournament plugin I made a few months ago to do this... I'll look into it tomorrow :p


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
I'm thinking about how to make this XD but so many people have said they would make it
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