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Bug Report WarriorStance Bug: Maybe Warriors never learned to Paralyze!


Verified Member
There is a bug that when ChiBlockers use Paralyze while having WarriorStance activated, Paralyze wont work! Try it yourself! Go into WarriorStance, then try to Paralyze a player, wont work! Please fix this as soon as possible!


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
No when making a bug report, in the bug report section, there is a thread by @MistPhizzle that clearly outlines what should be included in a bug report. Sorry it might not be that big of a deal but a lot of the information that the outline includes would be helpful for the devs and Mist I'd imagine if it were important enough for Mist to make an outline for it.


Verified Member
No when making a bug report, in the bug report section, there is a thread by @MistPhizzle that clearly outlines what should be included in a bug report. Sorry it might not be that big of a deal but a lot of the information that the outline includes would be helpful for the devs and Mist I'd imagine if it were important enough for Mist to make an outline for it.
Again, 1/4 of the template has to do with me having to see the server files and console which is not something I have access to on a multiplayer server that is not mine.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Again, 1/4 of the template has to do with me having to see the server files and console which is not something I have access to on a multiplayer server that is not mine.
You could always try /bending version, gives the version plugin info and rpg plugin info. And the other things are always accomplished by asking someone on the server with FTP access to report this with more info is helpful to the Devs I imagine. I don't want to start an argument.