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Bug Report Bug Report: Flight move putting people in /fly mode


Verified Member
  • Projectkorra core version
  • 1.6.0 Beta 15
  • in flight ability
  • What is happening is that when the "flight" airbending move is used people are able to fly as if in /fly and i have to put them out of fly via /fly [player], this means i have to disable the use of the move because it keeps putting them in /fly mode.
  • instead you are meant to jump, hold shift, and flight will fly you around and it is meant to cut off when you release shift, it does that fine but once they've used the move they're in /fly mode


Staff member
Digital Team
Verified Member
Thank you for reporting this! I was going to as I just found out on Thursday but was not able to post anything. Anyways this I belive is a conflict with essentials.