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New Member
So as the name of the move implies,

A Water-Bender will be able to suffocate an opponent while they are submerged into the water.

How the move will work:

A Water-Bender must make sure that the opponent is inside the water to use this,
then the player must hold down shift to surround a opponent in a small dome water. (4x4 sphere)

The player can also most the dome around with the mouse cursor.

This move would do about 1-1.5 heart every second after about 2-3 seconds after being inside the dome of water.

(This could be another water-combo add-on going something like Water-bubble(Hold Shift) > Surge (Click at opponent) just another thought to put out there)

So tell me what you guys think down below!


Verified Member
Well, it's canon, but not necessary as you could just click phaschange over somebody to keep them underwater to drown them. Also, it would be easy to escape from a 4x4 block ball of water.
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