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Denied New fire ability: fire manipulation!


Verified Member
fire needs a new ability all it aded was combustion but i can say that it needs more added! fire manipulation is where you can raise a wall of fire and move it and throw it anywhere! plz make it becuz fire needs a new ability and it is running short if i get 10 votes for heck yeah i will code all of it and if i get more than 10 i can make fire swipe plz get more than 10 likes


Verified Member
Sorry to burst your bubble but I personally think fire already has enough moves compared to the other elements. and besides, firebenders already have fireshield and firewall. adding this would give them too much defensive moves, while the weakness of firebending is that they are not supposed to be defensive.
this is just my opinion.


Verified Member
fire needs a new ability all it aded was combustion but i can say that it needs more added! fire manipulation is where you can raise a wall of fire and move it and throw it anywhere! plz make it becuz fire needs a new ability and it is running short if i get 10 votes for heck yeah i will code all of it and if i get more than 10 i can make fire swipe plz get more than 10 likes
If you want to make it. make it and post it on the abilities section (when it's done) we'll be more than happy to test it out.


Denied due to vagueness and sheer incoherence of what you even want.