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Firecombo: FireBarrage

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Verified Member
Well I edited this to better fit how the move is in probending and in direction. You wanna check it out?


Verified Member
I disagree with how the combo forms and is used... You just click 4 times and then 4 shots spam shoot out? You should really have to punch for each shot, which isn't something they'd have in a combo.... :confused:


Verified Member
I disagree with how the combo forms and is used... You just click 4 times and then 4 shots spam shoot out? You should really have to punch for each shot, which isn't something they'd have in a combo.... :confused:
So they would not have that in icebullet. You technically are punching for each shot, 2 punchs of fireblast, 2 punchs on blaze, equals 4 small fireballs at the end of the combo.


Verified Member
Ah, valid point but they make you remain stationary and you punch/right-click the ice..
In your suggestion, there is no punching though! It's just a combo then it sprays out like a flame thrower
It isn't just like a flame thrower. It has a quick burst of fireballs, 1 after another. 4 at most. If you are hurt in the middle of this the combo will be shut off. If it is pulled off quickly, nobody is going to notice that you aren't punching for each fireball thanks to the blazes and fireblast. If you are shooting 4 fireballs, then there is going to be a time stretch between each fireball. May it be half a second, but it still would represent the clicking, and allow you to aim more when running.


Verified Member
It isn't just like a flame thrower. It has a quick burst of fireballs, 1 after another. 4 at most. If you are hurt in the middle of this the combo will be shut off. If it is pulled off quickly, nobody is going to notice that you aren't punching for each fireball thanks to the blazes and fireblast. If you are shooting 4 fireballs, then there is going to be a time stretch between each fireball. May it be half a second, but it still would represent the clicking, and allow you to aim more when running.
You should still have to put some effort into shooting them..


Verified Member
Why would you need to be safe to shoot your fireballs? You can just turn around and *pew pew pew* them
Why would you need to be safe inside ice to shoot icespikes? If it doesn't shoot automatically, should we increase the damage from 1 heart per fireball? Yes we should. How much should we increase it? Or should we make it possible to shoot more then 5 fireballs? Just as many as you click on the fireblast slot for a certain amount of time? That would be pretty spammy, but just another idea. Added on to that, some firebenders for defense use the same fireballs to shoot down incoming projectiles, seems like a good addon to the plugin, wouldn't you agree?


Verified Member
Why would you need to be safe to shoot your fireballs? You can just turn around and *pew pew pew* them
So how much do we need to buff it to balance it with you having to click each fireball, and not getting the equivalent of being untouchable for quite a bit of time?
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