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Denied Firebending Slight Boost

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Verified Member
Use: When you have fully charged firebending moves of the same element(Not lightning, has to be exact same element or sub element), like fireblast and fireburst, the warmup is very similar, if not the same, but depending on how the situation changes you may want to use one or the other. Like you are charging a fireblast, when it is charged more then 1 person in a a general area start to charge towards you. Just change to the fireburst slot and scorch both of them. Problem?


Verified Member
Yes. Fireblast's charge is much shorter than fireburst's on servers I play. eZpZ way to spam fireburst. Basically - noty 2op4me
Fireblast and fireburst's chargetime is the same, so how about we just have it change it so that it adds the certain amount of time onto the already existing warmup. Problem?


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Fireblast and fireburst's chargetime is the same, so how about we just have it change it so that it adds the certain amount of time onto the already existing warmup. Problem?
The problem with this is that both of those aspects are configurable in the plugin. If they aren't they same, this wouldn't work.


Verified Member
I like it, but I also think it would be unfair if the charge times were different.
Then we can simply change it so that it simply adds on the charge time that fireblast has been charged for. Not that hard of a tweak. Doesn't seem like a lagifier.


Verified Member
If the cooldowns are different this would cause a problem.
I also don't see why this is only for firebenders?
Airburst > Airswipe.
Torrent > WaterWave.



Verified Member
If the cooldowns are different this would cause a problem.
I also don't see why this is only for firebenders?
Airburst > Airswipe.
Torrent > WaterWave.

First, fire isn't going to comparable to water in that aspect. It takes a good amount of time to charge fireblast/fireburst then it takes to charge torrent and waterwave. 2 second warmup for those water moves, that do way more damage then the charge fireblast. And then again, all this changes is that firebenders would be able to release a larger radios blast then the concentrated fireblast, compared to, Lets turn this offensive stream of water into a motorcycle!!!


Verified Member
Going to deny this, The logic is flawed and honestly the first post is pretty vague.
Many servers have different config options for cooldowns and charge times so it wouldn't make sense for servers to have this.
If you change your mind mid charge then you'll just have to recharge.

In the show there are different hand motions (which are the charge in the plugin) so if you were to begin doing water wave's motions you wouldn't just be able to change mid-stance. You'd have to do a totally different stance to preform the desired move next.
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