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Complete Electrocution

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New Member
Hi i was watching the last episode of Legend of Korra and saw how Mako electrocuted the water to defeat the Red Lotus, Ming-Hua, and I thought it would be cool if that was a thing.
I was thinking there would be smoke particles where a fire bender shifted on the water and any one in it would be electrocuted. I don't know how this would work since i'm not really technical but I was hoping someone working on this project would know. I was thinking it could be like half a sphere 5 and 3 deep and would slow the player down and deal 1 heart of damage but the effect would only last for a couple seconds. I don't have a photo of this either sorry but maybe some one will understand and can explain it better.


Verified Member
This is already added in the latest beta of the plugin. Lightning has an increased range of attack when used in water.
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