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Denied New Earth Move: MudSlide

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Name: MudSlide
Element: Earth (Mud as the sub imo)
This move would have two functions, the first;
How used: [Shift]
Description: This was used by Toph when fighting with Korra in the swamp, she used it to evade korra's attacks, and then eventually strike back. How this would work is when you hold shift, you get mud blocks under you (Podzol would be nice) and then when you let go of shift, an effect like a combination of WaterSpout and WaterWave, where you could go up to 3 blocks high with this move as a waterspout effect, and move around like WaterWave but slower. The "Wave" itself would only be 2 blocks in height, so their would be a tail of sorts at the back keeping it up if the player went up to the 3 block limit. This has no duration, like waterspout and airspout it can be used indefinitely. If the player moves the "wave" onto a non-earthbendable block, it dissipates after a few seconds.
Second function;
How used: [L-click] while in the spoutish wave
Description: This would send the mud out from under the player towards wherever they clicked. This would deal 2 damage to whatever it hits, .5 more for every second that a player is caught in the shot wave. The move wouldn't stop after hitting a player, it would only stop after 3 seconds after it hits the ground. The way I invision this portion is a lot like @Carbogen's new move - MudSurge - in the way the move goes out.

Here is what I am talking about.

First evades the attacks -
Then strikes back.

Thanks for reading! Post suggestions!


Verified Member
This seems like the highly wanted EarthSurf which obviously hasn't been done and i don't think it will considering people have been asking for it since the original bending plugin.

I feel like if it was that simple to make it would have been made already.


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This is an interesting idea. This could work best as an add-on to the new move that @Carbogen made, in my opinion. Other than that, I kinda like it
See I was thinking about that, but Carbogens move focuses on the aspect of launching mud. This focuses on the movement and counter strike, which earth has very little of at the moment.
This seems like the highly wanted EarthSurf which obviously hasn't been done and i don't think it will considering people have been asking for it since the original bending plugin.

I feel like if it was that simple to make it would have been made already.
This uses some different aspects, such as mud, a more fluid state of earth, which allows new techniques to be used in earth. And I never said it would be simple.


Verified Member
See I was thinking about that, but Carbogens move focuses on the aspect of launching mud. This focuses on the movement and counter strike, which earth has very little of at the moment.

This uses some different aspects, such as mud, a more fluid state of earth, which allows new techniques to be used in earth. And I never said it would be simple.
Two things:
1st - This is just Carbogen's move with another thing added to it. Unless I am missing some part of your comment where you agree with me, I still think this should just be an add-on to that move.
2nd - I kinda have to agree with coastyo when he says that this is like Earth Surf. When you explained why they weren't similar, you never really explain the difference in the move itself. Just the fact that in Earth Surf you are using Rocks and Mud Slide is using mud. Please expand more on what makes this different from the highly requested Earth Surf.
Thx :p


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Two things:
1st - This is just Carbogen's move with another thing added to it. Unless I am missing some part of your comment where you agree with me, I still think this should just be an add-on to that move.
2nd - I kinda have to agree with coastyo when he says that this is like Earth Surf. When you explained why they weren't similar, you never really explain the difference in the move itself. Just the fact that in Earth Surf you are using Rocks and Mud Slide is using mud. Please expand more on what makes this different from the highly requested Earth Surf.
Thx :p
Well first off this isn't carbogen's move with something added to it. This just has a throwing part in it that is SIMILAR to Carbogen's move, but they are different because carbogens move is sort of a stream, sends out multiple blast to look like a longer stream, this just sends what is beneath you towards where you are looking.

And I have never seen a thread for earthsurf so I do not know what it looks like or does. Could you provide a thread so I could look and see?

Also I was thinking this could use dirt blocks (not grass) as a falling sand id spawning multiple and despawning them when they hit the ground, that process repeating. That way it could look more liquid like. It would be constant and wouldn't look like multiple blocks spawning and despawning, just longer blocks.


Denied because Mud isn't a sub, and because the quantity of blocks and motion required for this would cause intense server lag
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