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Denied New Chi move: ShockPunch

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So this move is like the chiblockers in the show with their shocking gloves. Now this could go in Rpg as some item (no idea what though) but I think this would be a good addition to the core, and for people that don't want the Rpg for whatever reason.
Name: ShockPunch
Element: Chi
How used: [L-click]
Description: This move would give the victim nausea and slowness I for the duration of the move. However long the duration is doesn't matter as it would be configurable, but I say a max of 10 seconds for the move to fully fade. It would also do 1-2 hearts of damage seeing as the victim is being electrocuted.

Thank you for reading! Post suggestions!


Verified Member
This pertains to an item that a chiblocker uses, meaning that it needs to be in the RPG section.


Verified Member
Then the move wouldnt make any sense. In the series, not all chiblockers had gloves. The glove item should be needed when electrifying someone with chiblocking. And since they do not have this item yet, this suggestion is pretty irrelevant. (i apologize for how critical I am being, but there are a lot of suggestions to go through).


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Then the move wouldnt make any sense. In the series, not all chiblockers had gloves. The glove item should be needed when electrifying someone with chiblocking. And since they do not have this item yet, this suggestion is pretty irrelevant. (i apologize for how critical I am being, but there are a lot of suggestions to go through).
That's why we have permissions and configs. If the server owner didn't want everyone to have the ability like in the show, they could take it away. I get what your saying though.


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But the config would be useless if the move itself didnt make any sense, which right now, it doesn't. An item is needed in the show, and since that is plausible in minecraft, I dont think it's unreasonable to make this an RPG item.


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But the config would be useless if the move itself didnt make any sense, which right now, it doesn't. An item is needed in the show, and since that is plausible in minecraft, I dont think it's unreasonable to make this an RPG item.
It isn't unreasonable. I just thought it would be good for people that didn't want to use rpg for whatever reason.
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