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Denied New Fire move: FireShot

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Plugin Developer
Verified Member
In the show, firebenders were shown to shoot small blasts of fire at their opponents. This is what I am suggesting.
Name: FireShot (or any good name)
Element: Fire
How used: Left click
Damage: 1, possibly 2 (1/2 to 1 heart)
Description: Just a smaller more directed version of FireBlast, because fireblast is pretty darn big. Very little knockback if any at all. This would have a very small cooldown. Probably like 2 seconds, so that it can't totally be spammed, and can be paired with fireblast for a dual blast. It could inflict burn long enough to take away .5. (2 seconds?)

Thanks for reading! Post suggestions!


Verified Member
There have been a lot of Suggestion/Requests for moves like this, and I haven't seen too many of them being looked into. I think Blaze created a move somewhat similar to what you are describing. Other than that, my opinion would be that this is somewhat unnecessary. I think fire bending can be expanded upon in better ways than just making smaller, faster fire blasts. Good Luck though :D


Verified Member
There have been a lot of Suggestion/Requests for moves like this, and I haven't seen too many of them being looked into. I think Blaze created a move somewhat similar to what you are describing. Other than that, my opinion would be that this is somewhat unnecessary. I think fire bending can be expanded upon in better ways than just making smaller, faster fire blasts. Good Luck though :D
Yeah, I pushed for faster fireblasts for a looong time. Apparently people don't think fire is offensive, because it is the element of life, so slower fireblasts are better, but think that healing moves are bad because fire is a offensive element, it is like, WTF?!?!


Verified Member
Fire doesn't really need anymore combos though. It's got five already.
They mainly seem to counter each other though, instead of choosing to extend the range of firejet, there is slightly less extended doing damage, IF it hits someone, or slightly longer and faster firejet. Besides, you complaining about the number of combos is like complaining about needing more skill.


Verified Member
The point remains that this has been thought about before, and I think that the devs realize and understand the advantages/disadvantages of have a combo vs a move and via versa. I think that with all the suggestions that have been posted about similar ideas the staff would have decided by now whether or not they like this idea. I am not staff, so I can't say that for sure, but with the amount of posts about this same type of move it would seem like they have already taken a notice to the amount of people that are wanting this.
Also you could have just posted a comment on the thread that @owlcool created saying that you thought it should have been a move and not a combo.


Verified Member
Catapult, Collapse, EarthArmor, EarthBlast, EarthGrab, EarthTunnel, Extraction, Metalclips, LavaFlow, EarthSmash, RaiseEarth, Shockwave, TremorSense, LavaSurge
12 actual moves, tremorsense is the move nobody thinks of and uses only as a passive.


Verified Member
This ability is far too similar to FireBlast, and I don't see any reason why one would use a weaker version of an ability just for teh lulz.
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