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Complete Grappling Hooks?

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Verified Member
So, I've been toying around with the latest dev builds and found out about these items on the forums. I really like them, it's refreshing to see something different and new like this added to the plugin. One thing is bothering me though; why is it an item? Wouldn't it make more sense to have it as a bindable move? I understand that technically one cannot create a grappling hook from thin air, but having it as an item makes earthbenders - but chiblockers in particular - very dependable on not dying to actually use it. Waterbenders carry bottles, but can still use their skills without them. Furthermore, chi really needs some moves that don't involve punching, (or any move, as they have very few) and I really think the grappling hook could be an awesome utility/mobility move. Make it configurable, so that server owners can choose whether to have it work as a bindable move or an item? Just a thought.


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Metalbenders have a move that has nothing to do with the grappling hook, and chi has a move that isn't punching. Explore some more, I'm sure you'll love all the great things we've added so far, as well as the things you will discover as we add them in the future!


Verified Member
That's not what I meant. I'm aware that earthbenders can just catapult instead of using the grappling hook, but currently the only mobility move chiblockers have is HighJump, and it seems most of chi's suggestions involve punching someone. Earth isn't all about throwing rocks at someone too. The inclusion of a one-off item just feels a bit wierd to me, and would make more sense if it'd be a bindable move.


Verified Member
well im abit on crossfire side here but, there should be a metalbender move that works abit more like in the series then what the hookshoot is doing right now, the hook shot works fine for the chi guys but remeber how metal benders firstly have 2 hooks and can shoot them straight and not like a fishing throw XD anyways i think if there are any space for updating them i think you should do it, but crossfire dont forget that chi have passively 50% fall reduction and a 25% dodge chance which is kinda op compared with earth aswell :p and the diffrent elements have diffrent ups and downs awell :)


Verified Member
That's not what I meant. I'm aware that earthbenders can just catapult instead of using the grappling hook, but currently the only mobility move chiblockers have is HighJump, and it seems most of chi's suggestions involve punching someone. Earth isn't all about throwing rocks at someone too. The inclusion of a one-off item just feels a bit wierd to me, and would make more sense if it'd be a bindable move.
Most elements have a specific item for themselves. Water has water bottles, Chi and Earth have grappling hooks.. I think there are ideas to add stuff for fire and air as well, such as airgliders or there was some dragon tea idea. The fact that Air AND Fire both don't need sources, sort of defeats the need for an item you can use anywhere.


Verified Member
Difference being that bottles interact with bending, and that you can still perform the moves without one. Air already has some gliding mechanics, and dragon tea to be available to firebenders only would be a bit silly. Call me old-fashioned, but the addition of stand-alone items feels a bit wierd to me. Then again, that's just my opinion.


Personally I think the grappling hooks are fine as an item, they just need to have an increased range. I mean, who's gonna spiral around a probending arena in a thing with a distance of about 10 blocks?


Verified Member
Yeah the range needs to be increased but also it seems to dip 3-5 blocks for every 10 or so blocks it goes forward.
Another thing I would like to see is if you're holding an earthbendable block being able to propel it at the enemy.


Idk, I can't see the idea of some guy carrying around rocks to throw. However, there are other forms of earth...


Verified Member
Something I personally would like to see is hitting shift to lift the rock before blasting it with left click instead of just selecting the source. It'd make for some more 'realistic',
(for a lack of a better term) attacks and perhaps the accuracy would improve, too.


Personally I want to see Earthblast be more like EarthSmash. Maybe we will see this in the future, considering my position?


Verified Member
I feel like earthsmash would fit to the series, seeing that earth benders aren't just throwing pebbles. A larger "source" I think makes more sense for earth.


Verified Member
But adding EarthSmash to the core plugin now would make it too unbalanced, as gives earth a new offence, defense and mobility, so maybe once the other elements have gotten more abilities.
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