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Denied Meteorite

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Verified Member
Just recently I was thinking about a way that we could include the meteorites that Su and Kuvira have used on multiple occasions in the Project Korra plugin. This idea may take a while to read, but I would really appreciate it if you read through it and leave your suggestions/comments below. Thanks!

Ok, so my idea was that we would use naturally spawning obsidian as the meteorite because it is somewhat rare, but can still be found easily by earth benders using earth tunnel. While looking at a block of obsidian all you have to do is hold shift for a few seconds. The obsidian/meteorite will rise from the ground and float next to you. Wherever you go the obsidian will follow you. While you have the obsidian following you, you will receive a de-buff of slowness 1 (configurable amount). The reason for having the meteorite with you is so that you can enhance your metal bending moves (this does not enhance any regular earth or lava bending moves). Examples: Using extraction will now give you a chance to get up to 5 (configurable) ingots from a metal bendable ore. Using metal clips with a meteorite will enable you to only have to shoot two (configurable) clips at an opponent to be able to fully control them. However, after using five (configurable) metal bending moves, the meteorite falls to the ground and then disappears. For example, if you used extraction five times, or metal clips five times, or even extraction three times and metal clips twice the meteorite falls to the ground then disappears. All throughout the time of having the meteorite with you, you will have the slowness de-buff. If you want to get rid of your meteorite before you have used it up, all you have to do is move back to the slot where you have this move bound and left click while shifting. Doing this action will cause the meteorite to fall to the ground and disappear. In the case that someone runs into the meteorite, (including the player that is using it) they will just run through it.

I think that this move would be a great addition because it will give metal benders more of a chance in battle against people of other bending styles. It would also help to be able to collect more iron or gold ingots for payment, building, crafting, etc. If you have any suggestions, comments, or questions please post them below. Thank You! :D
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Verified Member
Pretty good. Could you add in that people will just run straight through it if it touches them?


Verified Member
I'm not a big fan of metalbending but jesus, Having a obsidian block that enhances it is a pretty awesome idea, but i feel as though it should run out by itself, Not be configured by the player. Seems as it'd be a bit of a OP move.

I think it should only be able to be used for the next move, Lemme give you a fo' instance, You go to the slot and click it, It powers up your next move causing more damage.

I don't think that it should be toggleable if that's what im reading in the main post.
But i still really love this idea.


Verified Member
I'm not a big fan of metalbending but jesus, Having a obsidian block that enhances it is a pretty awesome idea, but i feel as though it should run out by itself, Not be configured by the player. Seems as it'd be a bit of a OP move.

I think it should only be able to be used for the next move, Lemme give you a fo' instance, You go to the slot and click it, It powers up your next move causing more damage.

I don't think that it should be toggleable if that's what im reading in the main post.
But i still really love this idea.
It is a obsidian block. Those things are very rare. It is not THAT op.


Verified Member
I see obsidian atleast 5 times everytime i mine, And if i don't see it which is like one in a million, I just pour water on lava.

It's not as rare as you think.


Verified Member
I never said it was an issue, But I still stand with my initial response.
I'm not a big fan of metalbending but jesus, Having a obsidian block that enhances it is a pretty awesome idea, but i feel as though it should run out by itself, Not be configured by the player. Seems as it'd be a bit of a OP move.

I think it should only be able to be used for the next move, Lemme give you a fo' instance, You go to the slot and click it, It powers up your next move causing more damage.

I don't think that it should be toggleable if that's what im reading in the main post.
But i still really love this idea.


Verified Member
I know, and I'm not trying to argue. It's just easier to make people happier when they make suggestions for a move. But if you have suggestions for any other problems you noticed please don't hesitate to comment about them.


Verified Member
Obsidian is stone. It would not count as a metallic bendable rock. If you are looking to add meteorites to the plugin, I would suggest putting this thread in RPG suggestions.
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